Travelling And Working At The Same Time – Life As A Nomad With Alexander Waltner

Wishful thinking for some is reality for a few others. The interconnected world we live in makes it possible, and sometimes quite rewarding, to become a nomad, travel the world, do what you wish to do, perhaps even live on your own tems to an extent and earn a good living. We are interviewing Alexander Waltner of Sweden, who has made all of these dreams his personal reality.

Alex, what was your motivation to become a nomad?

My biggest motivation is the fact that I can travel and work at the same time. And of course being my own boss and planning my time and travels as I please.

How many years have you been traveling, and which are the countries you’ve visited thus far?

I’ve been travelling since 2010, but started to travel full-time back in 2014. So far I’ve been to 50 countries, whereas some of my highlights are from Greece, Vietnam, Japan, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Mexico, Thailand, and the Maldives.

But I feel that every country has something to offer.

Tell us about some of your more rewarding experiences?

My most rewarding experiences come from meeting other people, especially when I’ve done homestays with local families. Then you get to sit down and have dinner together as well as exchange cultures.

Which cultures made the most impact on you, and in what way?

Japan. It’s an astounding culture where safety and honor join the modern world in the most fascinating mix you can imagine. You can stand in an ancient temple, and in the next second a few blocks away see yourself in one of the busiest crossings in the world.

In addition to that, you won’t see people push or stress here.  The crime level is the lowest in the world, even though Japan is home to the world’s most populous city.

It is said, don’t be judgmental, adapt to the culture when you visit a different country and you’ll enjoy it better. Do you subscribe to this?

Yes, totally. You’ll have to bring an open mind to get the best experiences. And also if someone doesn’t act as you expect or has some strong opionions on a subject that you don’t agree with, it’s important to respect that and be objective without judging.

You have your own blog. Does it help you to earn an income? How do you fund your way?

Yes, it does. I make money through affiliate marketing, ads, and sponsored posts. I also sell my photography.

Who were your major sources of inspiration during your growingup years?

In terms of when I was younger, my only role models were football players such as Pele, Ronaldo, and David Beckham. But as I grew older I understood that the world was much more than football.

In recent years, when I started to travel and photography came into my life, my inspiration came from big names such as Chris Burkard, Elia Locardi, and the travel bloggers Expert Vagabond and Nomadic Matt.

Tell us more about your growing up years?

I grew up in Helsingborg, a mid-sized city in Southern Sweden. I come from a simple background and have always dreamt of traveling the world after seeing documentaries on Nat Geo Graphic.

I grew up mostly with my mother and 8 years younger little brother as my parents split their ways when I was 4. I stayed with my dad every now and then, and it was he who sparked my interest in history.

I didn’t start pursuing my dreams until I was 20, though. Especially since I didn’t always believe in myself. But one day I said to myself, this can’t be it, there has to be more to life. And after some thinking I realized that the only person who could make a difference was myself.

Our readership mainly consists of youth in different parts of the world who’ll enjoy reading your interview. A word of advice for them?

Follow your dreams. Don’t be afraid of reaching out to others. Ask for help if you need it, and don’t think that you can take on the world solely on your own. We are always better together.

However, stay true to your passion and happiness as that is where your future will be the brightest. In terms of monetary value, that might not be the biggest, but in the end, you’re better off living a happy life rather than having lots of money and no one to share it with.

Photos: Alexander Waltner

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