
How to Step Into Blogging?

Is blogging a job for real, or is that just a myth? How much time do you need to become successful in this field? Those questions are always around, but…

What Language Do You Think In?

Since ancient times, people have placed tremendous value on foreign language proficiency, and people who were considered as polyglots have been highly respected. Today’s globalized society calls for a wide…

Reviewing Millennials’ Spending Habits

If you by any chance decide to google the term „Millennials“ you are bound to be bombarded with thousands of articles, a large portion of these writings are focused on…

World Economic Forum And Millennials

The World Economic Forum was held in Davos, Switzerland from 17-20th January 2017. As soon as this major global event was announced and planned, the Millennials decided to step in and…

Life Is A Game

7 billion people live on Earth. It is safe to assume that every single person on the planet played, is currently playing or will play some kind of a game…