
Leisure Time in Auckland

Some of the friendliest people in the world, a multi ethnic society, inactive volcanoes, rain forests close-by, seaside promenades, museums, Polynesian villages and much more. You are in Auckland, New…

Eight Major Singing Voices

Bass. Bass-baritone. Baritone. Tenor. Countertenor. Contralto. Mezzo-soprano and Soprano are the eight different voices in classical music. Many have achieved accolades and fame and then there are the unsung figures…

Serials for the Weekend

For this weekend's watching pleasure, we have three recommendations for you. Each of the serials is well thought out and the comedy in each one is intelligent and excellent.

Movie Tips for a Soothing Weekend

It is surprising how many films are actually based on the true events. Apparently life writes the best stories. Even for today two of our films are based on real…

Lausanne in Photographs

Built in an area of just 4 square kilometres, this historical city is famous for its wines, cuisine, a great lakeside beach, stunning views, parties, festivities and all else you…