Dinner For Four For Under 4 Euros – Pizza

Cooking on very low budget can be a challenge. The last time we had prepared a dinner for four comprising of chicken. Today, we discover Italian cuisine - again as a dinner for four and up to four Euros.

While preparing the recipe and to keep it genuine, I took the current prices of the ingredients in the Czech republic.

Cooking tips:
While cooking on stove, use always the lid – without it the energy consumption jumps upto 300 %
One hour of baking depends on the type of appliance and the energy provider. The average energy consumption (per hour at 200 ° C) is about 0.87-0.90 kWh. 1 kWH cost appx EUR 0,16. With a hot air oven, thanks to air circulation, baking will be effective at 180 ° C and therefore energy efficient. Energy consumption will drop to 0.79 kWh and the saving will be around 10%.

Salami and bacon pizza

Pizza is evergreen and its preparation is very simple.


  • 400 g of flour (1kg EUR 0,4) 400g = cca EUR 0,16)
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 tsp of sugar
  • 3,5 g of dry yeast (1 pack = 7g cost EUR 0,15) 3,5g = cca EUR 0,075
  • 2tsp of oil
  • luke warm water

Other ingredients (salt, sugar) are usually at home and for these quantities it has not been accounted for.


  • Tomato puree or tomatoes
  • 200g Salami (100g = EUR 0,55; 150g = EUR 1,1)
  • 2 Onions sliced= 1kg cca EUR 1 onion cca 70 g (2 onions = cca EUR 0,14)
  • 100 g Bacon = EUR 0,8
  • 2 Mozzarella (1 pack 220g) (1 = EUR 0,58; 2 packs = EUR 1,16)
  • Tomato puree 140g (1 = EUR 0,39)
  • Basil or oregano (optional)

Electricity consumption for an hour with the temperature at 180 degrees C – cca EUR 0,16.

The dough has to be soft and firm so that it is easy to handle without breaking.
The dough has to be soft and firm so that it is easy to handle without breaking.

Method :
Knead the dough, leave it in at room temperature for about an hour and cover it with a light fabric and let it rise.
Divide it into 2 large or 4 small portions and flatten into a circular shape. Cover with tomato puree, put the toppings and the cheese must come at the end.
Bake it in the oven until done. The average oven will accomodate two large or 4 small pizzas at once.

Shopping List for pizza

Photos: Shutterstock

Dinner For Four For Under 4 Euros – Chicken Legs

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