
Somebody Is Watching – The Eyes Of Animals

Owls don´t move their eyeballs,and instead turn their heads almost all the way around.  Chameleons, on the other hand, can move their eyes around independent of each other, which allows…

Halloween Horror Movies

With Halloween just around the corner, we offer you special weekend picks of the best horror movies ever made, with mysterious murders, psychological disorders, conspiracies, haunted places, and excorcisms that …

Ten Creepy Places To Visit On Halloween

For all those who want to try a brand new experience on October 31, this Halloween you might consider visiting one of the reportedly haunted places around the world. Haunted…

Irreplaceable Kitchen Wrap

Kitchen wrap, Saran wrap or Cling film - all of these refer to one of the best inventions that ever entered the market. The thin, adhesive, and elastic plastic film that smoothly adheres…

An October Of Dazzling Colours

The weather here in Europe has been unexpectedly warm and sunny the last couple of weeks, and therefore we can share with you some bright, colourful, sharply focused pictures that…