Stop Letting Material Possessions Tie You Down From Experiencing Life

In part I of the Amazing Story of Alex Chacón, we asked this outstanding world traveler and motorcycle master a few questions to learn more about his adventurous lifestyle and his intense passion for traveling on his motorcycle. In the second part of this interview, Alex tells us about his “Most Epic Selfie of all Time”, the places that influenced him the most, and his tips for those with a passion for traveling the world.

We all watched the breathtaking 360-degree epic selfie video. Tell us how and why you made that video.

I started filming this 3 years ago, when the selfie didn’t exist yet. I was just trying to capture the world in a unique way on video to share it with everyone and show the beautiful and positive energy and places everyone should see around the world! Today it has become a cultural phenomenon as the “Most Epic Selfie of all Time”.


How do you feel after it has been watched over 13 million times on YouTube?

I knew my expeditions are unique and very interesting. I’ve had one other viral video and thought that this new one would be slightly better. But I never expected to have over 13 million views to my video, and the amazing and extreme outreach from the entire world! It’s wonderful and very fortunate to be able to share my experiences with everyone on a global scale in this unique and captivating way never seen before.

Is there any special place you have been to that you will never ever forget? 

I would do so much injustice to the entire world if I had one favorite place. There are so many incredible places I’ve been to and have yet to explore. But one experience that really stuck with me as indescribable was arriving at the Arctic Circle in Alaska on my birthday and witnessing the Aurora Borealis after hunting it down and traveling through 24 days of subfreezing temperatures on the motorcycle in winter, where I ran out of food, gas and water and was the most miserable in my life, until I had the amazing light show all to myself for a few hours, with no human presence in a 200-mile radius. That changed my life.

What’s next for you? Any future plans?

I want to travel around Asia and Africa. Antarctica also seems like an exciting location for a motorcycle trip. I have future trips planned; you can keep up with me on Facebook to see where I’m going next and have updates for people who want to come with me!

What advice would you give to someone who has never traveled before but wants to get started on a motorcycle?

Understand that there are inherent risks involved, but there are wonderful benefits and treasures gained from this type of travel experience. The typical traveler doesn’t get to visit a place for an extended period of time, spend a night with a local family or witness local children running up to you when they hear you arrive on the motorcycle. Of course, they really want a ride around the block and get excited about wearing a helmet or touching the bike. Surviving nature and the elements, obstructed roadways, political conflicts and interacting with gas station attendants, customs officials or just a local mechanic are all things you deal with on this journey, and they all help you grow as a person to help you become a better traveler. 

If you had one message to convey to the whole world, what would it be? 

The world would be a better place if we all traveled and cultured ourselves from different people and places, I wish everyone could do it the way I did. The moment you stop letting material possessions and voluntary obligations back home weigh or tie you down from experiencing life the way you truly want, is the moment you are truly free and happy.

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Gemstones From Brazil

While diamonds are still mined in the country, this mineral rich nation continues to be flush with emeralds, topaz, amethyst, emetrine, citrine, tourmaline and opal among many other natural gemstones.