When One University Is Enough, Discover One of the Oldest Czech Students Cities – Olomouc

Although Olomouc has just one university, it deserves a special mention. First of all a little about Olomouc which is in Moravia in the Czech Republic. The people of this city are known to be especially friendly and helpful. During a recent visit I discovered first hand that this reputation is well deserved. And what is one to say about Olomouc itself. Pretty as a picture, the city vibrates with positive energy all round.

The town has a population of just around 100,000 out of which 25 percent are university students. Add to that the number of school going children and teenagers and you have a city of almost full of lively and spirited young people.

Palacky University in Olomouc was established in the 16th century and is the second oldest public university in the Czech Republic.

Out of the total number of students over 10 percent are already international students and as time goes by this percentage is only going to increase.

Notwithstanding the fact that Theology one of the two major faculties at the university centuries back, today, the university offers dozens of courses courses, undergraduate and postgraduate , through its several faculties which include Arts, Science, Dentistry, Medicine, Theology, Education and Law.

The town itself, apart from, Palacky University, offers a host of facilities including sports, pubs, cinema and most of all nature.

Combined with that is the possibility of working for those who wish to earn and learn since the town has tourism, some industry related to food, pharmaceuticals and engineering and obviously the usual supermarkets, restaurants and fast food chains that hire part time employees.

Cost of living : According to the cost of living index a single person can live comfortably on US$ 548 per month exclusive of rent. However, in the opinion of the writer comfortable living in Olomouc is certainly possible within this amount inclusive of shared accommodation.

Photo: Shutterstock

Also published:
University Cities – Brno, Czech Republic
 and Brno in Photographs
Discover Prague as a University City: Where to Study, How Much It Costs and What It Offers For Leisure and Fun and Prague Through Photographs
Olomouc Through Photographs
When One Man Changes the Lives of Thousands: The Story of a Businessman Who Built His Own Town and Zlin Through Photographs
History, Contemporary And The Stylish Within One City – Study in Vienna, Austria, Our Next University City

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