I Click Therefore I’m Married – Dating Habits of Today

Gone are the days when man and woman met on social occasions and wanted to be introduced. Gone are also the days when men would woo a woman and the process of romance was entirely different. According to many browsing profiles is a lot quicker and less disheartening than going the old established way.

In these super fast paced times most things happen with that all important click of the mouse. After all, it’s not known as the digital age for nothing.

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Until the recent past it was the young adults who mostly used online dating as a tool to meet each other. Times have indeed changed and today it is couples from all age groups and walks of life who find each other on the internet. There are many reasons that are given for this preference to online dating rather than go through the traditional methods. One survey by the University of St. Thomas found that many believe they are being discriminated against due to their appearance and there were many others who believed they have been lied to and few perceived themselves as lying and most of all online dating was thought of as positive and normal.

In this fast changing landscape we live in, the approach towards marriage has also altered dramatically over the years. Most people used to marry those they were connected to in some form. Since most were connected to people similar to themselves they were also likely to marry their ‘own kind’. This has changed. Online dating has brought on new perspectives and there are more interracial marriages happening than ever before. Similarly there are more people meeting each other from different countries for not just dating but for serious relationships including marriage. Social integration has been happening in different forms and society has surely been benefiting from it. This is explained very well by Josue Ortega and Philipp Hergovich in their research paper The Strength of Absent Ties : Social Integration via Online Dating.

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Estimatedly, one third of the marriages begin by meeting online after which social interaction happens rapidly between those who were complete strangers.

Though each of the countries have their preferred online dating sites there is a swift change happening in this area as well. Now individuals register themselves on foreign online dating sites, communicate, often flyover for a meeting and decide at a breakneck pace to settle down with each other.

The need to love and be loved is an indispensable part of human living. Though conventional wisdom might have gone out the window, what works is what is welcome and the most likelihood based on available statistics is that by 2040 seven in ten people will meet online and be with each other. Today’s estimates suggest three out of ten meet online.

Photo: Shutterstock

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