
Cuba And Its Beauty – In Pictures

Fidel Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara – a cliché to say so, but still the main attraction for a visit to Cuba. Ask anybody and you´ll get a quite similar…

Namibia through the Eyes of a Photographer

Following four months backpacking through South Africa which entailed swashbuckling safaris, eye-opening cultural experiences and glugging copious amounts of red wine, Leigh Woods, Project Manager at Youth Time decided to try…

Singapore: the Melting Pot of Southeast Asia

YT contributor Maja Mezan decided to pay a visit to one of the last surviving city-states in the world – Singapore. The clash of cultures, languages, religions, and cuisines was…

Tour of Uganda V – the Capital of Kampala

Uganda, Luganda, Buganda – a rhyming trio which describes the capital region of Uganda. Kampala – Uganda‘s capital city – grew from the Buganda Kingdom, today a subnational region surrounding…

Oasis In A War Zone – Damascus

We are continuing our Middle Eastern adventure, and now it is time to fasten our seatbelts and try to step out of our comfort zone a bit by traveling to…

Tour of Uganda IV – Ugandan Wildlife

You could read how we tracked the lions in the very first part of „Tour of Uganda I.“. Needless to say, the lions were the proverbial icing on the cake.…