
The Ultimate Guide To Hostels

Even in these challenging times, hostels are still a cheap way to see the world. Here are the best tips to make your stay unforgettable.

Travel Ideas During a Pandemic

In the midst of this global pandemic, for many of us, wanderlust is as strong as it’s ever been. And, although we can’t travel to all the destinations on our…

Scholarships in Agribusiness and Tourism

With the ever-increasing demand for smart farming solutions, agricultural opportunities have sprung to provide both youngsters and professional hands-on experience to exchange ideas, apply them to practice, and learn new…

Adventure Travel Grants

If you’ve ever wanted to embark on an adventure and test your outdoor skills, you would be pleased to know that many foundations provide bursaries for amateurs and experienced travelers…

Funded Cultural Exchange Programs

“Not better, not worse, just different!” This is a go-to motto amongst exchange students when they discover new traditions and peculiarities of their host countries. Cultural exchange programs have become…