
Gaming & Brain Empowerment

Contemporary scientific research is demonstrating that gaming can be a brain-empowering activity (if played for a reasonable amount of time). The next time you hear someone say something like “I…

Dream Big – Weekend Movie Picks

Taking the easy route does not necessarily bring an easy result. On the other hand, not many take the hard way and make it work. Today´s movie selections are about…

And The Winter Arrived – Photogallery

Astronomically, the Northern Hemisphere entered the winter season before Christmas.  When, and whether, the snow arrives . . . well, that all depends. While some places there are piles of…

Names Of Colours

Vermilion, Umber, or Malachite no longer appear among the common words in today´s dictionary. Navy, Mahogany, or Olive may sound more familiar and lead you to the right color. Names…

The New Year Quotes

Start the New Year off on the right foot, equipped with what wise people have had to say. Get inspired with our New Year‘s quotes.

Peculiar Film Genres

There are many genres in the film industry, and even more sub-categories to differentiate the films from each other. In today´s weekend picks – and the last for this year…

Christmas 100 Years Ago

We at YT hope that you are experiencing Christmas this year just the way you like it.  But in case you would be interested in taking a break and making…