Best Movies from the Nineties

The Nineties – the next decade in our series of weekly movie picks for the summer - were a fruitful decade as regards the film industry. Some important milestones were set, and some iconic movies were produced. Welcome to the Nineties.

Schindler’s List 

One of the most admired films ever made. Steven Spielberg managed to create an unusually raw drama set in WWII, combine it with moving music, and introduce a cast new faces, including even the main character Oskar Schindler (played by Liam Neeson).  This enormously emotive film won 7 Oscars and several other Awards.

Pulp Fiction 

One of the most famous films by Quentin Tarantino and the winner of multiple Awards.  The film that is a genre by itself brought opportunities to actors like John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, and Bruce Willis.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 

If you like black humour, excellence in individual scenes, verbal shootouts . . . and a real shootout eventually, too, then this crimicomedy will definitely satisfy you. The plot revolves around the need to collect a large sum of money, which doesn’t happen as quickly as demanded.


Lastly we’ve chosen a film that takes place in a Las Vegas casino, where Sam “Ace” Rothstein (Robert De Niro) was placed by the Mafia to run it. Succesful times lead to the inevitable undoing when an expert crook, Ginger McKenna, shows up and infatuates Ace.

What would our list be without such films as The Silence of the Lambs, The Shawshank Redemption, or Forrest Gump? These are films, though, that we have introduced in earlier movie articles. 

The Silence of the Lambs

We presented The Silence of the Lambs in the article titled: The Debut Movies of Future Mega Stars – Weekend Tips.

The Shawshank Redemption

We presented The Shawshank Redemption in the article titled Movies with Happy Endings

Forrest Gump

We presented Forrest Gump in the article title Movies that Turned out Better than the Book

Watch also the best movies of the twentiesthirtiesfortiesfiftiessixties, seventies and eighties.

Photo: IMDB

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