Best Movies from the 2000s

Our movie series, dedicated to exploring an entire century decade by decade, is approaching the end, and we are now reporting on the last completed decade to this date – in the Millenium. Many great movies were produced during this decade, leaving a legacy of high standards for the coming decades to aspire to match.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy 

In the early 2000s, the cinema industry was engrossed with a fantasy adventure trilogy about the Lord of Ring with the young Elijah Wood in the title role. A rich narrative film, based on the books by  J. R. R. Tolkien, could not possibly disappoint, like all of Tolkien‘s progeny. The trilogy racked up a colossal success, with profits amounting to a couple of billion dollars.

Million Dollar Baby 

Direction, music, and also the title role were all in the hands of Clint Eastwood, who signed up for a part in the role of a boxing trainer called Frankie Dunn who hasn’t been succeeding in getting his students to the Championship level, and they are slowly leaving him. When Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) shows up in his gym and asks him to train her, he refuses at first but is eventually persuaded by her persistence.

Black Hawk Down 

Based on a true story from 1993, experienced by an elite US Army unit serving in Mogadishu, Somalia as a part of the United Nations peacekeeping operation. What looked like a fairly simple and safe action turned into an uneven battle with many casualties.

The Bourne Ultimatum 

Based on the bestseller by Robert Ludlum, with Matt Damon in the title role of Jason Bourne, who appears in the Mediterranean Sea with no idea as to his identity. Slowly he builds a larger picture of himself by trying to remember his past, when a bunch of hitmen cross his path with the aim of assassinating him. A film that manages to keep the viewer tense till the very end.


Kevin Spacey as PROT/Robert Porter is assigned into a mental asylum when he claims that he is from a planet called K-PAX, and is only visiting the planet Earth. Over time, his doctor, Marc Powell, begins to wonder if Prot could actually be an alien.

Other movies that we have recommended came from the same decade: 

The Pianist

Inglorious Basterds

Both movies were introduced in earlier articles: 5 Films Reflecting The Conflict On The anniversary Of The End Of WWII.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The movie was introduced in earlier article: Five Movies that Predicted the Future

Catch Me If You Can

The movie was introduced in an earlier article: 5 Authentic Movies Too Good To Be True

Into the Wild

The movie was introduced in earlier article: Five Inspiring Road Movies.

Watch also the best movies of the twentiesthirtiesfortiesfiftiessixties, seventieseighties and nineties.

Next week we will feature the best movies from 2011 up to today’s date.

Photo: IMDB

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