The last month of the year has arrived. Yes, we are in December and for most of us it’s the time we spend with our families and friends. Afterall, the best time for celebration is the last day of the year while welcoming the New Year. Here we contribute with our usual festivals offer.
BURNING THE CLOCKS, Dec 21, 2016, Brighton, England
Burning the Clocks is a festival of ligths in the city of Brighton. It was created in 1994 and it also covers the Winter Solstice. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the holiday spirit in a crowd.
SNOWGLOBE MUSIC FESTIVAL, Dec 29 – 31, 2016, South Lake Tahoe, California, United States
SnowGlobe is about music, mountains and snow – the best way to celebrate the upcoming end of the year. For the right tune, check out the video.
BIG MOUNTAIN MUSIC FESTIVAL, Dec 10 – 11, 2016, Phetchaburi, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
The huge festival is packed within two days with 9 stages and seemingly never ending performers. Celebrations take place on a large scale.
BEST NEW EAR FIREWORKS, Dec 31, 2016, All around the world
How would it be for the end of the year without great Fireworks? The best of them from the year gone by are in following video.
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