How to choose the degree for you

Going to university has become increasingly popular in recent times despite the rise in cost and lack of employment afterward. However, it is not easy to choose the university degree […]

Going to university has become increasingly popular in recent times despite the rise in cost and lack of employment afterward. However, it is not easy to choose the university degree for you. Whether you are struggling between two courses or whether you are deciding whether to go to university at all, it is okay to ask for advice. There are several different options when you are choosing your degree from a 3-year option or a 4-year option or whether to defer. Here is a little bit of advice for you when choosing a degree to study at university.

How not to choose a degree?

When you are choosing a university degree, you need to be sure it is something that you want to do. You should not let someone else pressure you into your choice. It can be hard to say no to those people who are important in your life, but you need to do what is right for you. It is your choice and not your parents and friends. It does not matter whether they think finance and business is a better choice than history or art. You need to choose what is best for you.

Don’t pick a subject you don’t enjoy

This is perhaps one of the most important things when picking your university degree. You need to have a fundamental passion for the subject, or you may soon find yourself thinking about dropping out or making yourself miserable. Make sure that you choose your own thing and don’t think about what your friends are doing. You need to make this decision yourself.

How to choose

Draw up a list of subjects that you enjoy. You can choose from there which one you would like to study. As previously mentioned, if you do not enjoy a subject, you will likely feel miserable and not perform well. No matter what subject you use, it will still be hard work and stressful and that is why it is important to pick a subject you enjoy otherwise it will be impossible.

Find out what you are good at

Whilst being good at something and enjoying it does not necessarily go hand in hand. However, you are more than likely to enjoy something that you excel at. This can help you narrow down your choices and perhaps allow you to create an overlap with the two lists you have. The dream is to have a subject that you enjoy and that you excel at. You should use previous exam results to help you come to this conclusion.

Choosing the right degree 

Never be afraid to ask for help when it comes to choosing your degree. In fact, you should consult as many people as possible. Speak to your friends and family but also your teachers. Reach out to the people running the course that you want to do. They can give you a better insight into what it is going to be like and if it is for you. Do your research and you will have no trouble finding the right course.





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