Yum Generation Setting Food Trends In 2017

As you all should know by now, the Yum Generation aka the Millennials Generation is the new force to be reckoned with when it comes to shaping the world as we know it. One of the major features of this generation – which has entitled them to carry the name Yum Generation – is their obsession with food. One can even call them foodaholics. And when we talk about the relationship between the Millennials and food, we don’t mean just the through-the-roof number of social media posts with photos of meals and snacks, we are talking about the comprehensive change this generation has brought to the food industry already. This generation’s influence has set in motion a radical change towards eating good, healthy, more eco-friendly foods. Millennials have also started the trend of consuming nutritious, fresh, locally-grown ingredients. So what can we expect in the year ahead of us, which trends will this generation establish in the food industry in 2017, and what will that mean for the future of society as well as for the industries affected?

You are what you eat

Now let me elaborate on this one, despite the fact that this trend is already widespread around the world. Experts believe that the Millennials Generation will take the „You are what you eat“ mantra all the way, creating a strong bond between one’s eating habits and one’s personality. Now the fact of the matter is that many people already strongly identify with their diet, and it has a huge impact on their lifestyles. Food consumption has become more than just a necessity to survive; it has become a form of self-expression – one more platform where you can express your individuality, creativity, and sense of yourself. This concept has often been used not just by individuals, but also by major companies in the food chain industry.

#foodporn #instafood #foodie #foodgasm #healtyfood #foodstagram #foodphotography #foodlover

Yes, you have guessed right – it’s all about food photography. Now you may think that this concept was introduced by the Millennials, but actually the truth is – it is way older than the oldest Millennials. It basically has existed as long as the art of photography has existed. You can look up articles from the mid-20th century that addressed this topic. Are you surprised? Still, one cannot overlook the helping hand of the Millennials in taking this trend to a whole new level. In the year ahead of us this trend, according to experts, is expected to flourish, and because of that restaurants will devote a lot of attention to the appearance of their meals. As we all know, photos on social media are viewed by people in every corner of the world, so your food presentation will not stay local no matter how good or bad it is. For the skeptical and traditional ones among our readers, the following numbers should be enough to make them understand the vast influence of food photography on social media. So let’s spread them out:

#foodporn has 108.2M posts; #instafood has been used 73.40M times; #foodie 49.50M uses

So, what is your next meal and will you share it with the world?

Taking matters into their own hands

In the spirit of still fresh New Year’s resolutions, we will conclude with one prediction. According to a recent survey, many Millennials plan to spend more time in 2017 cooking. Now despite the fact that most of us are quite skeptical about New Year’s resolutions, as we are old enough to know that most of them end up being just words on a piece of paper, or a note in our smartphones, let us bring you the numbers behind this possible trend for 2017. An online survey has been conducted by Peapod in which a third of American Millennials stated that they have plans to cook dinners at home more frequently in 2017. Considering the fact that this generation has entered or is now entering adulthood (at least according to the traditional view of it) this may just be true. As Millennials are slowly starting their families and are known for aspiring towards healthy and happy lifestyles, a home-cooked meal hits all the right spots. It provides quality family time, healthy meals, a creative way of spending time and an opportunity to express your individuality and sense of design while ensuring that your social media post will be personal and unique. I would put my money on Millennials fulfilling this item on their New Year’s resolution lists.

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