Youth Time Global Forum in Barcelona: Deadline Extended

YT extends the application deadline for Global Forum in Barcelona to 24th of August. Hurry up to apply. Get your chance to promote creativity and innovation and win realisation grant.

The Youth Time Global Forum in Barcelona will be a unique event, which will gather together more than 100 participants from all over the world with the aim of coming to solutions for the most prevalent youth issues. The topic of the annual event is The New Era of Employment and Education: Solutions for Change. The topic will be relevant to the location and the current realities on the ground there, as in Barcelona unemployment and education are pressing, immediate issues. Young people who are looking for inspiration and people who have innovative ideas on how to tackle these issues will be brought together at this event, to come to effective solutions for change that inevitably will contribute to a new era of employment and education.

The program will consist, first, of workshops, in which participants will be challenged to redefine the concepts of “employment” and “education”; and second, of project presentation meetings, in which participants and experts will evaluate the proposals the presenters have made. The program will also include roundtable discussions with prominent guests, and there will be time for social activities, in which participants will explore Barcelona and will have a chance to get to know each other better.

There are two ways to participate in this event. You can join as (1) a project presenter or as (2) an interested participant. A “project presenter” will be expected to demonstrate solid preparation before joining the event. An “interested participant” will be expected to evaluate the presented projects during the event. Each role comes with its benefits and its obligations, please consider them carefully before applying for any of them. Please bear in mind that you can only apply for one role.

Application deadline: Monday 24th of August – 9:00 AM (CET).

 download the application form

As a project presenter you can expect to:

  • Have a chance to win a substantial grant to realize your project 
  • Work on your project proposal under the supervision of an expert (in setting up business initiatives, for example) before the event
  • Get a platform to present your ideas
  • Have a unique opportunity to network with 100 like-minded people
  • Have a valuable working and learning experience in the amazing city of Barcelona

The program, food and accommodation will be covered by Youth Time. Please take into consideration that you will have to pay your personal travel expenses. 

As project presenter you will be expected to:

  •  After invitation pay an entrance fee of € 50,- . Only after payment will we take your project into consideration. 
  • Hand in your project proposals before the deadlines
  • Present your project in front of all participants, experts, and journalists at the event
  • Raise 30% of the total required budget yourself

download the application form

As an interested participant you can expect to:

  • Be inspired by the ambitious ideas and knowledge that will be shared by our prominent guests 
  • Have a unique opportunity to network with 100 like-minded people
  • Have a valuable working and learning experience in the amazing city of Barcelona

The program, food and accommodation will be covered by Youth Time. Please take into consideration that you will have to pay your personal travel expenses.

As an interested participant you will be expected to:

  • After invitation pay an entrance fee of € 100,- . Only after payment will your participation be guaranteed. 
  • Evaluate all projects that are presented to you during the event and vote for a winner
  • Take part in all workshops that are offered by the program

Please note, that due to enormous interest we only take complete applications into consideration. Applications must include:

  • application form relevant to your role: project presenter or interested participant (filled in complete and in English)
  • CV (max. 2 pages)
  • motivation video – answer the 3 following questions: A) What does YT according to you do? B) How do you relate to what YT is doing? C) What is according to you the biggest challenge youth nowadays faces?

Send your application form, CV and motivation video here


Find out what projects Youth Time is looking for this year. Check 5 tips how to apply successfully.

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