Wars Of Our Times

Acording to the Global Peace Index, in 2016 only 10 countries in the world were completely confict-free. The world has become more dangerous than ever before.  Civil wars, wars between countries, and terrorism are essentially the same. “The key reason behind it is our inability to solve the conflicts which are emerging," says Steve Killelea, the founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace, for The Independent. Today's movies are worth watching as pictures that come from recent war zones.

Lord of War

We start a little non-traditionally, since this movie does not focus on a particular war zone since it connects to most. No war would be possible without guns, and the title “Lord of War“ is more than accurate. The movie is based on true events, telling the story of an arms dealer named Yuri Orlov, who with some exaggaration claims he has supplied every army but the Salvation Army. His weapons have played a role in most of the war zones in recent years, and he himself has dealt with the biggest world dictators. Starring Nicholas Cage.

American Sniper

Also a move that has been celebrated and damned, “American Sniper“ tracks the steps of Christopher Kyle – a record holder in the number of enemies killed in the service of the Navy Seals. Leaving aside the film’s very patriotic themes, this well-made film, directed by Clint Eastwood, features a plot based on the true story of one man, suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, who could not leave the thoughts about war behind. Trying to deal with it, he establishes on his own a program of therapy to help other soldiers affected by war. The cruel paradox is his death, which occurs when he and a friend are shot to death by another former soldier who is also suffering from PTSD.

Fort Bliss

Maggie – an army medic – spent 15 months in Afganistan. When she comes back, her main priority is her 5-year-old son. While she was away their bond has been broken, and her son has turned to his father and the father‘s new girlfriend. What makes Maggie’s character unpopular is her egocentic approach to everything. Focused in one direction, she tries to create a discipline with her son using an army approach, missing the one essential tool – empathy. Just as she is finally earning the viewer‘s sympathy, as she learns to reintegrate with her son more correctly, and falls in love with a new man, her reputation is shattered again. Without discussing the issue with anybody, she extends her stay in the Army and now is unexpectedly deployed again.

Grace Is Gone

One more movie with the woman-soldier theme. Grace is a wife to Stanley and a mother to two girls. She is called up to service in Iraq. The movie works thanks to its balanced focus on the the unenviable prospect of war, and the omnipresent shadow of death. When Grace gets killed, she leaves behind her broken family to deal with sad reality and continue their lives.

Photo: IMDB

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