University of California, Berkeley – Free Online Courses

There are millions out there who are able to upgrade their knowledge and skills as well as lift their resume by virtue of attending free online courses. Many excellent universities have made it a mission to reach out to those who cannot afford attending formal classes.

Apply for free online courses from the University of California

University of California, Berkeley has been making some excellent offerings in this area.

Below you shall find some of the courses that caught our attention.

  • Academic and Business Writing: This course is mainly for those who wish to hone up on their English language skills. The focus being on grammar, vocabulary, structure, editing and publication.
  • Blockchain Technology: With all other safe havens such as gold getting out of reach for the young, according to some experts it’s going to be cryptocurrencies to the rescue. The course is about the fundamentals of blockchain technology and how it will power the economy of tomorrow.
  • Writing for Social Media: This having become the most important platform to reach out to your audiences the course takes you through effective content writing and more.

As usual, we would suggest that you go through all the courses on offer by this university on this link.

Photo: Shutterstock / Edited by: Martina Advaney

Read also here:

KU Leuven, Belgium – Free Online Courses

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