Trapped in Time – Weekend Movie Picks

Time - the very concept of it has fascinated and provoked human beings since the very beginning. And so does the idea of traveling in time. The main protagonists of these movies were granted certain privileges of time that worked in their favour. What would it look like if people could travel in time, or if they didn't age, or if they grew up the other way round...?  Find out in our weekly movie tips.

The Age of Adeline 

Our first movie starts with the promise of never aging.

Adeline is thirty years old, and through an unexplainable circumstance she suddenly stops aging, from that moment onwards. As time goes by, the advantage slowly turns into an obstacle in her daily life. Adeline has to take certain steps to prevent the worst from happening.

Dorian Gray 

Who hasn’t heard of the book The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde? The book was shocking when it was first published and astonishes readers to this day. Dorian Gray is an attractive topic for the visual medium that film certainly is. How well does this adaptation with Ben Barnes and Colin Firth work?  You can judge for yourself.

The Case of Benjamin Button 

Based on the story by F. Scott Fitzgerald – Benjamin Button is living a life the other way round. Born as an osteoporotic old man, he starts, to the surprise of everyone, including himself, growing younger as the days pass by. 

About Time 

And finally, the topic of time travelling. When you find out that all the men in your family can travel in time, it can give you a bit of a surprise.  And that’s what happened to Tim. The initial idea sounds like a lot of fun, but it is not an easy concept to live with, and it requires certain sacrifices.

The Time Traveler´s Wife 

Once again, time travel. Henry travels through time, except he is not doing it voluntarily. There is a rare genetic anomaly which causes him to disappear suddenly and show up in another time and place. That of course doesn’t exactly work for family life.

Photo: IMDB

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