The Value Of Freelancing: Your Way Through College

When I decided to become a freelance writer, many doors opened wide. And behind all of those doors, there were these huge, unknown worlds staring at me. And there I was standing, staring right back at them.

I’m a 21-year-old who’s trying to balance social media managing, writing, and college. To begin with, my dreams were made out of different scenarios than the ones I presently live by. Some of them were based on my joining a huge corporation, having an office job which wouln’t require me to be in the office for long periods of time, and mingling with people. What I came to realize over time was that even if I worked my butt off and sacrificed everything, it wasn’t a sure thing that I would enjoy what the job inside a large corporation would bring.

Therefore, I decided to start freelancing.

Taking a huge step like freelancing means working more than you have planned, for a price which clients try to bring down even though it is already at its lowest, and your most important investments are starting to be large cups of coffee. As a beginner, there is a minimal possibility of negotiating the price of your services, I have to prepare you for that. But you can differentiate the services which you can offer and the client’s wishes. To be honest here, waking up at 6am, doing as much of the work as you can, then studying, and later on most probably working some more – is exhausting.

Right now I can hear a therapist asking me: „How does it feel to balance your job, your college obligations, and your already half-dead social life?“

It feels exhausting, I hear myself answering.

But guess what? You actually love all the work you do, and all the painful mornings and all the sleepy evenings make you feel fulfilled. You have to try it to believe me.

It can get scary. Very scary. And that’s exactly the reason why you should do it.

Find any job, any type of work which makes you happy. It can be monetizing your blog, making bracelets, or web developing.

Do it because you need to know how it feels to conquer work.

Do it so you finally know the difference between a value and a price.

Do it because you must feel the power of independence.

Do it so you can be proud of yourself every single day.

Do it because you are worth it.

Your worth is much more than lazy Saturdays, angry Tuesdays, and anxious Thursdays. You are the only thing standing between you and your goal (thank you, Jordan Belfort) and your worth cannot be measured with the number on your bank account, with your college grades, or what a couple of your peers think of you.

Your worth is your present self. Your worth is your education, your strength, your empathy, your hard work, your fierceness.

You are whatever you want to make yourself become.

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