The Most Important Lessons to Keep in Mind from 2021

As we’re approaching the end of a hectic year, it's always good to list some reminders for ourselves.

I believe we can all agree when we say that our generation is living throughout some of the most uncertain times in human kind’s history. The amount of news we hear throughout the day is overwhelming. Probably, people in earlier days had it just the same or maybe worse than us, but the point is that now we all know what each nation, country, citizen of the world is going through thanks to social media and the internet. Can you imagine just how much of a psychological burden this is to our well-being? 

With ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, isolation measures, political events and conflicts – it has become very difficult for us to stop and re-center our attention. Let’s stop all the rush of finding out news and information, and realize how we are actually feeling about ourselves.

That is why as the end of the year approaches, it would be good if all of us take some time to appreciate the good things we have present in our lives, that have pushed us throughout this difficult, bizarre year. Here’s a list of lessons I learned during 2021.


We’re adaptable creatures

I mean really though, when we thought that we could not possibly handle complete isolation from friends and family – we did it, and we survived. Working from home arose as a trend on the labor market, too! We adapted, despite our care responsibilities, children, relatives, or spouses of whom we had to take care of in the meantime. After that, it was hard to take that work from home, to the office again, as we all became introverts and we enjoyed working in the comfort of our room without a supervisor around. Yet again, we did it! Us human beings are amazingly adaptable creatures, that can get used to any sort of circumstance.


Everything is temporary & nothing is the end of the world

People lost loved ones continuously and grieved them. They lost jobs, income, they lost taste of food, and they certainly lost the ability to normally go out and be social. Yet again, all of the Covid uncertainty seems to have vanished a little, as we are learning how to live with this pandemic and we’re seeing that uncertainty and sadness are temporary. We can still find things to do, vaccination is now allowing us to travel, go out and have the same fun we used to have. It was not the end of the world, although, truth be told, sometimes it felt like such.


Self-care is never overrated

I keep reading about how self-care is overrated, and is now being used as a commercial term to attract consumers into buying more items – by making them think that these items help them to take better care of themselves. I’ll say, if buying helps people take better care of themselves, by all means, let it be used. I know how happy I get when I smell a scented candle, when I light them during a cozy Saturday in, or when I apply skin-care products that leave me feeling all gentle. Try to treat yourself in the way you deserve it. Of course, being attentive towards your budget proportionally is highly recommended in this aspect, but trust me, feel good practices shouldn’t cost that much.


Empathy can save us all

I’ve grown this year, as I’ve witnessed people going through all sorts of things. I have helped my friend recover from losing loved ones, and I have stayed with them as they healed from broken hearts. I have gazed at the transformation they experienced, from the beginning of their heartache to the moment where they were able to smile again, and i was there to give them all my loving along with my companionship – whenever they needed it. They were there too, when I was in need of the same therapy. The empathy that has been present in the course of my life throughout this year, has brought sunshine amid rainy days. 


Check up on your loved ones

This is the most important lesson I have learned in a while. And I learned it the hard way, as I discovered that the people I thought were always at their best, were having the ugliest times of their lives. So now, I try to reshape my conversations with people I am closer with, and instead of constantly bugging them about stories about myself, I try to ask questions, mainly related to their mental health and well-being, instead.


Picture: Shutterstock / ID: 68321776


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