The Bliss of Moving Into a New Apartment

Stressful and difficult is how most of us describe moving to a new apartment. But it doesn't have to be. Here are our best tips to find bliss.

The greatest benefit of having a resonating mind, is that you can more or less decide for yourself when you want to start things over. 

Sometimes we wait for New Year’s Eve to make a long list of resolutions, sometimes we wait for our birthdays, next month, or next Monday – for the week to restart. 

New beginnings are quite subjective, and it depends on us to choose that point in life from where you want to reset things.

Moving into a new apartment can be a way to induce new beginnings. Practically and literally it always is, because your whole routine starts to change. 

The place where you used to shop is no longer the same, you don’t know the cashiers and the new ones do not smile at you anymore because you have visited the store for the third time in the morning, whereas the coffee guy no longer knows your ‘usual’. 

Brand new unknown people and surroundings start entering your life. This is the literal aspect of starting over after moving into a new place.

Yet, if we want to, we can take advantage of the new environment we have settled in, to start investing in a new, better self. 

From personal experience, I feel like we associate people with our present and our reality. 

Once we no longer live around the same people, we feel like we have the chance to start over and become another person, because the new people do not know what we were like, and we have the chance to present a whole new better self. 

This does not have to sound like your past was awful, and now you’re taking advantage to escape the reality you used to live in. 

Moving into a new place can simply mean that you now have the chance to maybe start running – if there is a park nearby, because becoming more physically active has been your long-term goal. 

It can mean that you are re-considering walking, waking up earlier, meditating – because the new apartment has a cozy corner where the sunset feels sublime, and you want to commit to sitting there blissfully to introspect every day. 


So What Are The Tricks Really?

I mean, the mess will certainly be there but it all depends on the point of view. 

You can freak out at all the things you have to unpack, or become highly enthusiastic of re-putting them in new places and finding new ways to decorate the space you are going to fill.

We all know that when we start moving things in and out, we become very much aware of the unnecessary material things we have been attached to for such a long time , and we can finally start becoming more prone to minimalism. 

Maybe you will not become the role model of minimalists, but you will see how keeping it more simple makes you feel more organised and at ease. 

And we associate clothes as well, to experiences we had, so why not take advantage of the opportunity to simply clear your closet out of any negative experience that you might have had. 

This will contribute to your general sense of well-being, to a broader space to rest in and to an easier choice of clothing before going to work. 

Another aspect to think of when moving in is certainly furniture. From personal experience, I can say that the most exciting thing for me to do was to paint old wood. 


New Interior

If you’re feeling like maybe switching up the mood of the environment you used to live in, and try a new interior, just buy some paint and start colouring. I think crafting is quite the antidote to boredom, and decorating your own furniture can make one feel very much god darn empowering. 

After that, unpack your books and your photo albums and start placing them in a row beautifully. 

Of course, I can already foresee that you will get stuck for hours looking at old photos and getting back to poetries you have read so many times, but that’s also a great way to distract yourself from messy bags and focus on the good memories you can relive by unfolding things. 

New Apartment 1
Opportunities: A new apartment can help you set goals in life

Of course I know that moving out of a place is not always this cheerful. Sometimes we move out because we have to, not because we want to, but I do think that with a bit of patience, a bit of enthusiasm and under a minimal budget you can pretty much make up for a cozy environment for yourself. 


On The Move

Tips from this article come from a person who has moved quite a lot, but used to look at the process of moving as a very expensive process. 

I used to think a lot of money would be involved, and a lot of things would be lost – until I moved into my latest apartment. 

It was sort of like looking forward to finally starting doing the things you left pending for so long – I cleaned, I bought and planted new plants, I threw away unnecessary things and bought myself a few (a lot) good smelly candles. A thing I would highly recommend also is visiting your next-door thrift shop. 

Except for recycling, buying old items can also give your space plenty of coziness and vintage-like feel. 

Say, if you have a huge boring white wall, why not fill it in with a pretty bohemian scarf which you can probably get for one or two dollars? 

Or with old golden frames on which you can put your own pictures or simply keep the good ol’ black and white pictures that will probably be inside the frames. Point is, you can be quite creative without having to spend a fortune. 

I highly believe that at some point, you start identifying with the space you fill – and the place you live. 

So why not start slowly, and consider your personal space like some sort of a spiritual project which you have just taken onboard? It’s the only way to embrace the sometimes overwhelming feeling of change!

A new apartment can bring new connections, here is how to find them.

How to Properly Feed our Need for Connection

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