The Story Of A Young Startupper From Bosnia Semir Music

Semir Musić’ is a 24-year-old entrepreneur, startupper and kickboxer from Bosnia and Herzegovina. His desire for success wasn’t quenched just by academic and sporting success. Semir has also been a guest lecturer many times and has won several startup competitions, with his best project being a scheme to grow berries.

In one of his lectures at International Burch University, Musić recalled a turning point in his career: “I remember it like it was yesterday. I’m getting into the ring to fight a Russian. Russians are famous for being the best and the first in the rankings. I had cold feet and a desire to finish the match with as few injuries as possible. All my friends, acquaintances, and those closest to me – all those who were supposed to motivate me – were telling me how he was too big for me and how I was going to lose. The match began. After the first hit, the Russian’s legs began to teeter. I was ecstatic with the fact that even ‘Russians can teeter.’ And I won the match, which was reason enough for me to continue.” 

How long have you been a kickboxer? How did it all start?

I was kickboxing by the time I was 9 years old. I have been kickboxing actively for at least six years, while working for three years as a coach.

It all started after elementary school. I’ve always wanted to achieve something in life. I had an innate desire to win and prove myself. I wanted to be the best. Many people told me that it was impossible, that I did not have enough talent, resources, etc. I didn’t listen to them, because I believed I could do anything. For me, more important than anything else in the world was to become a fighter. 

What is your biggest accomplishment regarding your career?

My greatest achievement is a silver medal at the European Championships in 2009. In addition to that, I won third place in the World Cup 2010 and have been four-time champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Where does your inspiration come from?

I have always searched for inspiration in myself, in the desire to win and in the fear of defeat. I have always wanted to win and achieve my goals at any cost.

You just got back from a tour in the USA. What was happening there?

Primarily, I went to America to perfect my coaching skills and my English. I have always had a desire to expand my horizons, in a business sense, so the United States gave me a chance to do that, also. I believed such an experience would greatly benefit my country, because what is happening right now in the USA will be happening in Bosnia in several years.

Recently, you started working as a coach. Was it a big step for you, or had you always beenready for it? Did it change your lifestyle?

I started my coaching career a few years ago after an injury I suffered in a match. It was not my last match. After the injury, I returned to the ring dozens of times, even though the doctor’s advice was to take a break. Over time, I realized that this could have long term consequences for my health, so I devoted myself to coaching. I did this job very successfully, and during this period our club became the biggest kickboxing club in B&H. But after my return from America I quit my coaching career and searched for a new challenge.

Right now, what is your biggest challenge? How do you deal with it?

Currently, my biggest challenge is the business: to create, from scratch, a business that will become a huge one. For me, a great victory would be to have a team of ten people – each one better than I am. Because that’s how you make progress. When you start to feel like a king, that’s when you stop growing.

Do you have a saying or motto that you live by?

As Steve Jobs said: “People say you have to have the passion for what you do, to succeed. That is true. This is because the path of success is incredibly difficult. You have to work hard and continuously for long periods of time. And if you don’t love and don’t enjoy what you’re doing, you will give up. It will become too hard. In the end, it turns out that those who manage to persevere when things get tough – succeed. Giving up is natural if you do not have a strong enough reason to continue working.”

Do you have any advice for beginners?

When you decide to do something, ask yourself if anyone ever did it before you. If yes – this means that you can, too. If nobody ever did it before you – it absolutely does not mean that you cannot.

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