Stop the Job Hunt! Here Are Some Things You Can Do to Ace That Next Interview

Back straight, head high, favorite blazer on, you got this!

Jobs. They are stressful enough, right? But do you know what’s worse, not having one? Or trying to find one that fits all of your requirements. You know the basics; a fair boss, close to home, good pay, great benefits, and tasks in your field of interest. So, you spend hours and hours scouring the internet for postings, applying to every suitable opening.

Afterward, just when you think you’ve found the one, the dream job you can imagine yourself in… you get a polite, but firm rejection letter, that is if you’re lucky enough to get a response.

But worry not; after reading various articles and listening to numerous motivational speakers and successful business people, we’ve compiled, in my subjective opinion, the perfect guide to help you land that dream job.


How to Ensure You Get an Interview

How to Ensure You Get an Interview


  • Apply for the Right Job

While this point seems like it shouldn’t even be a point, you’d be surprised by the number of people who overlook it. When searching for a job, make sure that you comb through the positions open in your area of expertise.

This doesn’t mean you must limit yourself to one type of job or a specific line of work, but be sure to read the job description and what the role will require thoroughly before hitting that apply button.


  • Tailor Each Resume and Cover Letter 

Nowadays, with job postings made online through websites connecting you to thousands of companies, many fall into the trap of saving every job and blindly applying to whatever might be even slightly suitable. Remember that your potential recruiter has to go through hundreds of applications almost daily.

If you send in a very generic cover letter or a resume packed with experience that isn’t relevant to the advertised role, they will automatically rule you out. Therefore, try to make slight adjustments to each job application filled out, crafting a cover letter appropriate for that specific job and company. And always remember to proofread all information you send across.

Now, if you want to go the extra mile, I suggest you use some of those stalker skills we’ve all gained from years on the internet and try to find the company’s hiring manager and email them directly. If they are untraceable, do the next best thing and apply through the organization’s website rather than a job search engine.


  • Follow Up

So, you’ve created the perfect cover letter, handed in your best resume drafted yet, and are certain you’re the perfect fit for the role and the company. Now all you have to do is wait patiently. You can do that, you tell yourself, except you keep running to your phone or laptop like a madman/ woman every time you hear a ping!

Well, I’m here to tell you you only have to act like a superhero with supersonic hearing trying to locate a bomb ticking for a week or two. Afterward, you can send in a follow-up email to remind the hiring manager of who you are, asking for any new updates regarding the job.


What to do Once You Get an Interview

What to do Once You Get an Interview
Gustavo Frazao/Shutterstock


  • Be Prepared

If you’ve made it to this point in the process, congratulations… now comes the tough part; you have to show up and convince them you are perfect for the job. Luckily there is only one thing you need to do to achieve that: be prepared. Do some background research on the company, understand its goals, analyze its past achievements, and use that knowledge to your advantage.

Another way to prepare is to practice answering all the possible questions they might ask you. While sitting on your couch asking yourself to tell you more about yourself might be an experience you never forget, thinking of answers to regularly asked questions will allow you to mentally organize all the key facts you may want to mention during your interview. Plus, having a loose script to follow might help ease some nerves, allowing you to present yourself more confidently.

You can also increase your confidence by picking out a kickass outfit you feel good in or taking yourself to your favorite coffee shop before heading to the interview. Just make sure to be on time, or if you’re having the discussion virtually make sure all your necessary equipment is set up and ready.


  • Let Go of The Anxiety

Having to sit in a room foreign to you and talk to a stranger about yourself while maintaining professionalism can be nerve-wracking. However, remember that your body language can sometimes speak louder than your words. Therefore, try to remain calm and take some pressure off the meeting.

Some valuable tips to remember are maintaining eye contact and actively listening to the interviewer instead of planning the answer to the next question. Moreover, realize that it’s okay if you need time to think of a response to a question and take a moment to do so.


  • Follow Up

And once again comes the step of reaching out and checking in. But this time, aside from just asking for any updates (if you feel that is necessary), thank your interviewer for their time. Not only will they appreciate the kind message, but your email will act as a reminder of who you are and how interested you are in the job. This could also be a great chance for you to mention any information or facts you forgot during your interview. Or, if you have any follow-up questions, send them across.




Final Thoughts

Let’s face it; job hunting is never fun. But with the right strategy, sufficient preparation, and a positive, open-minded attitude, the process can be more bearable. Remember that a job doesn’t define you, and that rejection is character-building (or so we tell ourselves)!

Now go, my grasshopper; you are ready to take on the work world by storm!

Photo: – Yuri A/Shutterstock


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