The Norm of Office Jobs

A lot of people in the modern world are spending their days grinding through the 9-to-5 office lifestyle. Is this a good thing or not?

Administrative settings have become a staple for work more and more with each passing decade within the last century. The white-collar worker refers to employees who ‘dress white’ for office jobs. There are countless office job possibilities in many different areas such as governmental, business, finance, marketing, and many other types of research-related computerized work. Since this has been the norm for a while now, are offices the best way to create a successful working environment that cultivates achievement and rewards progress, or is it all just a scam by companies to keep employees in check? 


Office Jobs and Productivity 

Considering office jobs require you to work in the company’s location, that work setting is something you’ll just have to accept no matter how gloomy and depressive it may be. Your department-specific work is done usually within a certain corner of the office where other workers in your department also work, usually REALLY close by. The lack of space is another reason why offices may just be more draining than work-enticing. 

One of the most common administrative jobs is those of assistants who perform general tasks to aid the office and the manager in particular. Through scheduling work meetings and calls, different paperwork, and emails, having an assistant or receptionist is vital for the office. 

The idea that mushing a bunch of people together into one room with a manager roaming around and expecting them to still be highly productive may just be a very counter-intuitive one. When the pandemic hit and everyone was forced to work from home for a while, many companies saw an increase in productivity and income. That alone should tell you that despite how the general consensus tells you that you need to be in an office to do proper work, that’s just not true usually. Not that offices don’t have their pros as well though, namely, the fact that if you’re working from home all the time you may not be able to separate your home from your work anymore. 


Health and Mindset 

Office workers are typically seen as educated people and as such it creates this notion that offices are the ultimate goal for the educated person. A place where the physical activity of any sort is not needed. All you need is a computer, printer, desk, and chair and you got yourself a setting in which you’re supposed to spend eight hours every working day. 

This, of course, does bring up a few health concerns. More fatigue, higher chances of obesity, heart problems, and especially a sense of falling into a dreadful routine are all struggles that office workers have to be considerate of and perhaps deal with at some point in their lives. Some jobs have it so that the workers can stand for a few hours within the day so that everyone isn’t just sitting all day, but that’s not much of a solution long-term. 

More than anything though, the monotony of an office job is a clear issue that everyone recognizes but no one does anything about it. In case you haven’t noticed, most offices have this incredibly dull look about them. Everything is usually grey and the cubicles of each employee are always migraine-inducing. 

On the other hand, a lot of people do find great friendships within this setting. You’re not alone in your dull journey, so there’s that at least, as office jobs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. 


Photo: G-Stock Studio/Shutterstock


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