Promising Monetary Opportunities For Journalists

Journalists and media persons can check out these opportunities that are prestigious and also offer monetary benefits.

Journalists and reporters have the task of keeping the public informed and acting as building blocks in making media the fourth pillar of democracy. While they tirelessly work in doing so, many a time their work goes unnoticed, and they might also get the deserving monetary benefit in return. Hence Youth Time brings in prestigious opportunities from across the globe that will respect their work. So check out if they are the ones for you.


1. Reporters Without Borders Germany Berlin Scholarship Program

Reporters Without Borders Germany offers journalists from war zones and crisis areas the opportunity to take a break in Berlin for four months and complete a training program in digital security. Applications are open for the same. From April 2023 until November 2023, ten journalists from crisis areas will be invited to Berlin for a period of four months each.



The program is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy, and Public Enterprises. It aims to provide participants with practical knowledge and skills to protect themselves against digital threats, such as surveillance or hacker attacks in their journalistic activities. In the second phase, with the support of the trainer team, the participants prepare their training concept, through which they can pass on their newly acquired knowledge to colleagues in their home countries as trainers. In this way, journalists outside the scholarship program can also benefit from the digital security skills taught in the program.



The scholarship will cover the travel costs, take care of all visa-related matters, provide and pay for an apartment in Berlin for the duration of the scholarship, grant a monthly allowance of 900€/month, free use of public transportation in Berlin and an extensive training program with qualified experts in the field of digital security. Furthermore, during their stay in Berlin, scholarship holders will be given insights into the activities of Reporters Without Borders Germany, a globally-active journalist, and human rights organization.



Professional journalists, bloggers, media professionals, and citizen journalists

    • are exposed to digital threats due to their work in their home regions.
    • want to learn and work extensively with digital security to improve their security.
    • are interested in passing on the knowledge acquired during the scholarship program to colleagues in their home regions and, ideally, already have some experience in teaching or other areas of knowledge transfer.
    • are able and willing to participate fully in the program. We expect the applicants to be available for all activities of our program, including comprehensive training for digital security. Please plan with about 20 to 25 hours per week from the second until the fourth month of your stay in Berlin.



The last day to apply for the program is December 5th, 2022, at 23:59 (Central European Time).

Read more about the opportunity here.


2. The American Association For Cancer Research (AACR) June L. Biedler Prize For Cancer Journalism

The AACR June L. Biedler Prize for Cancer Journalism has been established to showcase outstanding examples of cancer journalism and to recognize individual professional journalists who have produced accurate, informative, and compelling stories. Applications are open for it.



The AACR June L. Biedler Prize for Cancer Journalism was established by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in 2015 to raise awareness of the critical role that the media play in educating the public about cancer and cancer research. The AACR Biedler Prize is funded by a major bequest to the AACR from Dr. June L. Biedler, is a scientist, mentor, and pioneer in cancer research, and a former member of the board of directors of the AACR. In honor of Dr. Biedler’s exceptional efforts to further science and healthcare communications, the prize will honor and reward outstanding journalistic coverage that enhances the public’s understanding of cancer, cancer research, or cancer policy.



The prize will provide an unrestricted cash award of $5,000 and a commemorative award.



The AACR June L. Biedler Prize for Cancer Journalism is open to print, broadcast, and online professional journalists whose stories appear in newspapers, magazines, websites, television, and auditory journalism platforms that target lay public audiences. Prizes are intended to honor individual journalists. However, more than one journalist may be co-nominated and selected to receive a prize should the submitted piece be a result of contributions made by all involved parties. There are no fees associated with submitted nominations. Trade publications, as well as institutions and/or organizations, are ineligible to receive the prize.

    • Stories must have been published or broadcast for the first time between January 1, 2020, and November 30, 2022.
    • The submission must enhance the public’s understanding of cancer, cancer research, or policy.
    • Candidacy is open to journalists targeting the lay public.
    • The submission must be in English or accurately translated into English.
    • More than one individual may share the prize as co-creators, with a maximum of two representatives invited to attend the AACR Annual Meeting to accept the prize if the prize is shared.
    • Institutions or organizations are not eligible for the prize.



The applications can be submitted by December 7, 2022.

Read more about the fellowship here.


3. John S. Knight Journalism Fellowship

A John S. Knight Journalism Fellowship has two primary components: Exploring and testing ideas for addressing a problem in journalism that is important to you and identifying mindsets and tools needed to become a more resilient leader and change agent.



Journalism fellowships at Stanford started in 1966 to give journalists broad access to a great university, which would pay off in smarter journalists and better leadership in the field. The fellowship grew through the next decades, and in 1984, with an endowment grant from the Knight Foundation, it was renamed John S. Knight (JSK), who, with his brother, James L. Knight, once operated Knight-Ridder, a company that became the largest newspaper chain in the United States.



During our 10-month fellowship, JSK Fellows are provided with individual coaching, tailored workshops on leadership, a cohort of their peers, and guidance that sparks professional and personal transformation.

Fellows also have the time and freedom to explore the resources of a world-class university. Fellows are assisted to develop the leadership resilience and mindsets needed to effectively lead and navigate change for decades to come.

JSK Fellows are welcomed as members of a global community working to improve journalism and gain new friendships, professional connections, and skills that will continue beyond the fellowship.

JSK provides a stipend of $95,000 plus a housing supplement to help with your rent. In addition, for fellows with children up through high school graduation, JSK provides an additional supplemental payment. It also covers the cost of Stanford tuition for fellows and Stanford health insurance for fellows, spouses, and children. JSK also helps fellows find rental housing near campus.



U.S. and international journalists with digital-native and legacy news organizations, independent journalists, journalism entrepreneurs, and journalism innovators.

Applicants need to have at least five years of full-time professional work experience. JSK does not require applicants to have a college degree or experience in traditional newsrooms.

Generally, applications from people working in public information or public relations jobs, for trade and house newsletters or magazines, for government agencies, or in academic positions are not acceptable.

The fellowship does not fund or support book projects or reporting projects and does not recognize as a business accelerator.



The last dates to apply for the program are as follows:

International application deadline: 1 p.m. PST on Thursday, Dec 1, 2022,

U.S. application deadline: 1 p.m. PST on Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023.

Find more information here.


Photo: michelangeloop/Shutterstock


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