Nice, France – A Place Where To Live

Nice on the renowned French Riviera is not only about history but is close to many of the cities such as Cannes, Antibes, Monte Carlo, Gras and others. A city where many yearn to live

Nice, France - A Place Where To Live
La Promenade du Paillon de Nice, France
Nice, France - A Place Where To Live
The Fontaine du Soleil on Place Massena in Nice, France
Nice, France - A Place Where To Live
A beach in Nice, France, near the Promenade des Anglais
The Cours Saleya – a place of cafes and restaurants
Public library building, France
Carnival of Nice
Port of Nice, France
While in France trying Escargots is a must
The distance of Nice from Cannes or even Monaco is too short not to make the effort and visit them both
Cinema on the beach in Cannes, France
Monte Carlo, Principality of Monaco

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Photos: Shutterstock


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