Milan Fashion Week: A Fashionable Backstage Look At Consumerism

In the early spring of 2016, Ksenia Segina, photographer and journalist, visited Milan Fashion Week. You might say that it is one of the most sumptuous fashion events in the world, the visitors of which spend a fabulous amount of money on renewing their own fashionable wardrobes. However, among those who flock to Milan during this time period are not only the money-bags but also people for whom fashion is a way of life. We have surveyed the opinion of some of them about consumerism and about their place in this industry.

Valerio and Fabrizio Salvatori/ models and musicians

What does Fashion mean to you?

Fashion for us, express our own tastes, our opinion, our art…that is simply our life our way to be amoung the others in the world!

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?

We try to be new ” consumers” taking care of environmental respecting welfare and economy by an always conscious and well. Pondered purchasing behaviour.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

We are not referring to a fix fashion blogger but everybody teach us that it’s foundamental to keep our identity and personally even facing the fashion news while fitting a dress we need to feel at home, we need to be  confort! 

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?

As we are two playful and sunny twins we like easy but also very sophisticated  and paricular dressing way.

How did you find your personal style?

Our style is singular but not eccentrc, it mirrors our nature brightness and simplicity. 

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?

According to us the market to be developed is the exclusively man accessories one.


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 photo by Kseniya Segina

Gianfranco Vitale/ fashion stylist and fashion editor at PreziosaMagazine

What does Fashion mean to you?

For me fashion is the modern evolution of modern. around the fashion industry there are millions and millions of jobs and during fashion week each plays its part. in my case I think that fashion is not only a passion but a real lifestyle.

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?
Conscious consumerism is precisely everything that you do not buy compulsively. when you are choosing a product taking into account not only the quality but also the ethical and environmental sustainability for example.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

Impossible. It is a business machine.

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?
I call my style POPVINTAGE. I love the vintage. all that tells a story. I love reinterpret iconic clothing giving them a second chance at life. the same way I love the colors, combining different combinations every day to communicate something.

How did you find your personal style?
Much research and hard work. from an early age I have always been passionate about fashion dreaming of becoming a fashion editor for a major magazine. Today I do by profession and I am convinced that the personal style changes over time and with the experiences of life you do. Today my style over-call and super moody mostly .. but it may be that in a bit ‘of years I might be formalchic ..

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?
Fashion women believe that there are two trends for next season: military revisited (no camouflage) and tailoring inspired man. There will also be so much pink! Everywhere pink.


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 photo by Kseniya Segina

Giulia Macerata/ photographer

What does Fashion mean to you?

I think fashion is one of the most creative way to express yourself. Through fashion choices you can show who you are and tell something about your personality. Fashion doesn’t mean only brands and I always prefer to use the word style, as it has more to do with personal interpretation than trends.

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?

I carefully choose every item I buy and honestly, most of the times I just go through my relatives wardrobes and borrow some really nice piece that they haven’t used in ages! I think giving a completely new interpretation to an old garment or accessory is the most fun way of being conscious about consumerism. And I am lucky enough to live in an area in Italy with a lot of local fashion brands, and I’m happy to buy from them as I know where the product is coming from.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

Fashion bloggers give you advices about how to wear and how to match clothes, but they often show only expensive and refined options, giving us the impression that to be fashionable and hype you have to wear only famous and luxury brands. But that’s not true, there are infinite ways to have a cutting-edge style, without overspending. 

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?

It’s easy! What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts go so fast. Fashion is an instant language, that allows you to transmit ideas and shape opinion.

How did you find your personal style?

My style is not always the same, I love and embrace change, so I can show different parts of my personality. I evolve, my style evolves with me. But almost everything revolves around a leading thread: the color black. That’s my favorite. People might judge me superficially for that, but I don’t care about that. With my style I show you who I am. And I’m proud of that.

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?

Maybe should be a jumpsuit, I love it!


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 photo by Kseniya Segina

Julina Lopatina and Marina Dorosenko / owners and designers of fashion brand

What does Fashion mean to you?

Fashion is the way to stand out, to shout out or whisper about your personality, to tell who you are. There are different styles, tendencies, you follow the one you like.

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?

Caring about future.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

That you can sell anything. Our days fashion bloggers became very influential but most of them are way too commercial and that’s boring. Anyway we follow some cool bloggers who mix and much, affordable and luxury items. We think it’s cool! 

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?

You can use fashion as a tool to express yourself, to show how you feel about yourself, about the world and who do you feel you are in this world. You can become invisible or semi-visible or screaming noticeable. Accessories play a big role in nowadays fashion language.  

How did you find your personal style?

It took some time for both of us, but we similar in this matter, we were searching and trying and listening to our selves, looking for the ways to be expressive and feel comfortable about it.

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?

Probably a hat!  It’s always a bag! Always! You can be dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of trainers, but a good bag will counterbalance your look and all the doors will be open to you! (Obviously don’t forget to behave accordingly). 


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 photo by Kseniya Segina

Maija Armaneva / stylist, creative director «MAAS coats»

What does Fashion mean to you?

Fashion is such a great part of me. I am surrounded by fashion every single day and it’s not just because I work in fashion industry. For me fashion is everywhere – in the art galleries, on the streets, in my studio, it’s literally everywhere.

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?

When I started my own label MAAS Coats , I wanted it to be a part of sustainable fashion. I make clothes that last for several seasons and would not go out of fashion the next year. The concept of my clothes is to keep them elegant and modern at the same time. For me the mass market has outgrown itself, it is high time for a new philosophy, where people would not treat clothes the same way they do with fast food. I have been there myself and I don’t want to be a part of it anymore, that’s why I choose quality fabrics for my designs and create long lasting fashion.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

There are so many fashion bloggers out there with so different styles and way of thinking about clothes and fashion in general. There are those who treat fashion like fast food, and on the opposite – those who stay true to themselves and choose well  rather than fast. It is more about what we take from, not what they teach us. But I would really like to see more bloggers out there who treat their style more consciously and with much grater loyalty.

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?

Your style is already telling everyone who you are and what your beliefs are. How you dress actually works as a bodylanguage, it’s how we express ourselves. What message do you want to bring out there. It’s all about the image. People already can tell about your style, personality and your taste just seeing your latest 10 photos on Instagram, so that’s the image you create for the others to be able to read it.

How did you find your personal style?

I’m still playing with it! I like mixing styles but at the end of the day my look ends up being sophisticated, no matter how much ripped my denims are, I would still look elegant because it comes from inner me. And no matter how much I love rock music, all leather and spikes, my appearance speaks totally different language.

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?

That would be coat! It can be sleeveless, light and silky or bold winter coat, but that’s my obsession and I manage to wear it any season I want! And no matter what people say but it’s the coat that makes a first impression. A good quality coat is a style investment that can last a lifetime.


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 photo by Kseniya Segina

Shani Osher Alezra /architecture student at Tel Aviv university

What does Fashion mean to you?

Fashion for me is a way of life even though it’s not my profession. But in the world that we live in you can find fashion in every field.

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?

We are a  generation who consuming a lot,  not only in the materialistic sense, but we are hungry for attention, my opinion is that like everything in life we need balance, to consume is not bad but we need to know when its get out of control and we start to be  dependent on that and our happiness will be determined by it.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

Actually I don’t follow fashion bloggers but I think they will make me to consume more haha. 

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?

I using fashion to express myself and my inner world to show who I am and my moods.

How did you find your personal style?

My personal style is more “street style” I like clothes that show lightness, fun, cool, someone who go with the flow and creativity. 

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?

I don’t think that you should invest in one thing all the fun with fashion is to mix things together and to innovate and bring something from your self, that will make our life more interesting.


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 photo by Kseniya Segina

Daniela Zuccotti/ FREGOLEStyle blogger; social media manager

What does Fashion mean to you?

I see fashion as a weapon that girls use to get guys to do anything they want. Don’t tell guys though… they have no idea.I’m joking.Fashion is history, inspiration, beauty, a form of art and expression. A rapidly growing industry, that allows young people to gain credit for their talent far more than in other sectors.

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?

I actually think I’m the embodiment of consumerism rather than conscious consumerism. In fact whenever I see something amazing in a shop window, on a website, a magazine, I get the fregola: shoes, bags, clothes, make-up, I just can’t stop thinking about it until it winds up in my closet. But I never buy without first comparing, checking the reliability of an e-commerce option and, if I can, waiting for the sales.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

Fashion bloggers have always had the power to influence consumption. Lately though, it’s often Brands that influence fashion bloggers’ choices, in a market where the “right” collaboration is more important that than the freedom to wear and talk about what you really like. Staying true to yourself is the only way to approach consumerism in my opinion. And that’s true both in blogging and in real life.

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?

I’m a copywriter. I worked in international advertising agencies for over ten years and over the last three I’ve been focusing on fashion, which is the area that suits me most. Since I started the blog, my work has become a digital consultancy service for all those brands that have a fregola for improving their communication strategy.

How did you find your personal style?

By studying the history books, learning the lessons of Coco Mademoiselle and Monsieur Saint Laurent, not missing a Karl Lagerfeld show, checking out the best streetstyle blogs like The Sartorialist and Who What Wear, and by looking within myself. One fundamental rule I always keep in mind is: a great outfit only works if you feel comfortable in it.

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?

A white shirt with oversized sleeves. (Your boyfriend’s will do fine). You have no idea how versatile it can be. It adds an extra special touch under a jumpsuit or blazer. You can wear it back to front, fastened at the back, kimono style with a belt, knotted above your belly button – Bo and Luke style. Basically it has the power to instantly multiply your wardrobe


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 photo by Kseniya Segina

Olga Yanul / fashion editor and stylist at Vogue Ukraine

What does Fashion mean to you?

Fisrt of all thats smth i work with as Fashion Editor at large at Vogue Ukraine. Thats not just some pieces that create your look, thats a symbols of conteprorary culture and social scene. That smth that can give you an idea of the society we live in every day. Thats the reflections.

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?
People buy things to feel themselves more confident and attractive. each of us have its own idea of beauty and harmony. I believe in ones own style rather than consumers games. once you know who you are or who you want to be, – you will just go for that no matter what is in fashion. it should be your own way of consuming  things around.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

I’m not sure they can teach, they can show me some different examples and way of being, and i will than workthink on them.

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?
You just have to know yourself very good, know all your features (not only phisical), realise the way you usually behave and of course to believe in yourself, otherwise you just cannot walk on the street gracefully!

How did you find your personal style?
Years of experiments before! since i work as an editor, i used to try lots of different styles before i found the one i feel more comfortable with! thats more like a game at the begining, wich turns out to yur very personal style. i think, i became more confident since i cut my hair and made it blond. somehow feel it more me than ever before!

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?
I recently discovered young korean brand – Volon. They make very bold, colorful bags (like the one in green i am wearing in your pic), – I would like to own every single one from the collection!


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 photo by Kseniya Segina

Catherine Poulain / model and influencer,contributor @GQItalia

What does Fashion mean to you?

Fashion for me it’s not just what’s in vogue right now, but It’s an attitude. It’s try to show other people who you are through your clothes and your style! Fashion can inspire you but than, you must interpret like your own.

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?

I think “conscious consumerism” it’s very important to give the right value in what is produced . The quality of goods is crucial and also all the aspects must be considered during its production, from environmental to manpower. If for many people, “conscious consumerism” is just a buying mode, for an increasing share of consumers it is turning into a real lifestyle, for me too.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

A good fashion blogger can teach and direct people to buy something. Surely about “what is in vogue” in a specific moment, but also about how to choose right products, how to combine them properly, how to choose high quality goods and fix them with their own style .

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?

I am a crazy girl who works in the fashion industry. More than everything I really like the style of a person, than fashion itself . Also about myself, I prefer to have my own style rather than buying something just because it’s fashionable. But I also know everything about all the trends, about colors and “the must haves” of each season mixed with your own style , without any enforcement .

How did you find your personal style?

I had different styles during my life but the one that was most important for me was my “Dark” time. From that moment I definitely changed my style. I try to be always elegant and chic with a touch of rock’n’roll! I really like black dresses, long coats, crazy bags and bizarre shoes. I have my own style , different from everybody.

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?

Definitely a crochet-top with bright colors or a pink silk dress!


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 photo by Kseniya Segina 

Asena Saribatur / freelance stylist, fashion journalist

What does Fashion mean to you?

Fashion is a lifestyle for me! My whole life… Because I’m working as a fashion editor, stylist, blogger. Also I have a fashion showroom. I have to follow all details and developments. I have to know all informations about fashion industry. Fashion is one of the most developed sector in the world. So I’m so happy to be belonging to this world.

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?

Conscious consumption is one of the most important part of this world I think… Style is not about wearing high fashion brands. Style is about attitude. You can buy all last season pieces from the high fashion brands. But if you don’t have that magic, it doesn’t works! I know all details about me! I know my body shapes. I don’t try look like an another girl. I know what I need in my wardrobe. And I buy all pieces according to this need. When I buy sth from my favorite high fashion brands my filter mechanism is working good. I’m trying to choose the best one for me. I never buy just because of the brand. I can buy fast-fashion brands, vintage stores also. Because I trust my body, my style, my attitude. I know that I look good with what I wear. So my personal interpretation about conscious consumption is working like this.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

I’m also a fashion blogger. So I know the system about the brands, collaborations… We are making collaborations with brands, because of that we are wearing pieces from that brand. With these projects, bloggers showed to people so many different styles, looks, combines… Women learned how to be experimental while wearing in this process. Bloggers’ve changed shopping habits of women…

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?

My fashion language is based on being simple. Simplicity is one of the most important key of my style. As I said before, I know my personal codes and I’m wearing, I’m living according to these codes. In my fashion language you can find masculine, rock-chic, elegant details. Also I can describe it as sophisticated. Less is more for me! And the most important word of my language is “attitude”. That is the best dress…

How did you find your personal style?

It is a long story.. Age, education, experiences, visual development, books that I read, songs that I listen, people who I talked with, citys where I’ve been in, exhibitions that I attended, movies that I watched… All these details helped me in this way.

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?

Shoes are always a good idea! Also the sector needs too many concept stores…


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 photo by Kseniya Segina

Larisa Costea/ fashion,travel&lifestyle blogger

What does Fashion mean to you?

Fashion to me is not just about matching outfits, it is way more than that. Mostly because when it comes to outfits, I strongly insist on the idea that one can wear anything he or she wants as long as it makes them feel comfortable and it represents them. For me fashion has no rules and it is to be enjoyed not taken for granted. You need to play with it and put your creativity to work!

What is your personal interpretation of conscious consumerism?

I believe that people need to stop consuming things in bulk, stop believing everything they see, so that they could stop buying all that is sold to them. We live in a beautiful world that is being used, all it’s resources are being eaten up as we meanwhile give nothing in return. I believe that through conscious consumerism we stand a chance to make things better and create a better place. We need to stop spending money on things we don’t need, we need to buy or purchase only things that we relate with and trust, and by helping ourselves do this we can also help the environment we live in.

What fashion bloggers can teach you about consumerism?

As fashion bloggers are seen as influencers, I believe that we could use this “power” to bring a good message into the world. I myself try to lead a healthy and sane life, as i try to consume as consciously as I can. I always preach what I practice, so every chance that I get, I always mention these kind of tips to my readers. Of course, it is still impossible for me to fully dedicate myself to a path of no mistakes, but I try as hard as possible to make decisions that make me feel good about the choices I make: I try and pick the option that has the least negative impact ecologically, socially and sustainably, maybe even economically.

How to talk about yourself and your inner world with fashion languae?

Classic, feminine, simple, monochrome!

How did you find your personal style?

Well of course that I played a lot with clothes in the beginning, and of course a few years went buy until I finally grew into a certain style. But I can also say that I grew age-wise as well, so that defined my femininity and with that came of course a new elegant side that blended in perfectly. In the beginning at least, you have got to try different things until you can really pin the one that suites you best, otherwise you can become a little hectic in your choosing.

If we invest in one thing this season, what should it be?

I’d say something in the Pantone colors of the year: rose quartz and serenity blue. And definitely flared jeans – that work for any season this year!

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