5 Inspirational Movie Characters Who Will Boost Your Inspiration

Young lead characters who inspire the viewer - that is the topic of today's movie reviews. They are ordinary people who at a critical point in their lives experience an extraordinary turn of fate. From that moment they move in an unknown and unexpected direction where they find the strength and courage not only to continue, but also to inspire others.

The Good Lie

A  film inspired by  a  true incident  in the Civil War in Sudan in  the ‘80s. Six children escape a brutal attack on their village and travel hundreds of kilometres across several countries without even basic supplies to seek help in a refugee camp.

Only after many years do they get an opportunity to settle down in America, and there they meet Carrie Davisovou (Reese Witherspoon), who is going to be their guide.


127 Hours

Another true story, this one  about Aron Ralston, who made a trip to Utah to spend a weekend rock climbing. The adventure suddenly  turns into a nightmare, when his hand gets stuck between two rocks.

His life hangs in the balance for 127 long hours, keeping him occupied with the demons coming out of his fears, before he manages to find the courage to rescue himself by drastic means. After that, badly injured, he walks several kilometres before he finds help.


To Save a Life

Jake Taylor is a prototype of a successful high school student. Over the years, after he became popular among his peers, the childhood friendship with Roger got lost, mostly on account of Jake’s snobbish behaviour.

He no longer keeps in touch with Roger, until Roger brings a gun to school and shoots himself death. Jake has to  take a long journey within himself to recognise who he truly is, what he could have changed and didn’t, and how he can fix it, if he can.


Rust and Bone

Marion Cotillard  is Stephanie, a trainer of killer whales in a water park.

Ali (Matthias Schoenaerts) is a single dad who moves with his son Sam to a sister in the south France. Soon an accident and its consequences change Marion’s life forever, and their lives will meet at the spot where they will each find  a soul mate in the most difficult of times, when hope is missing.


The Intouchables

The last of today’s selections, also a French production, tells  the inspiring story of a quadriplegic aristocrat, Phillipe, who is about to choose his new personal assistant.

The choice surprisingly falls on an  inexperienced young man from the suburbs, recently released from jail, by the name of Driss.

What looks impossible from the beginning, gradually develops into a life friendship, where a common sympathy, empathy towards each other, care, and a sense of humour prove that it is never too late to make  sense of one’s life.

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