Youth Time Attends Holocaust Remembrance Events in Prague

On 26-27th January, the date of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the European Jewish Congress will be holding a series of events in Prague and Terezin with the Czech Government and the European Parliament.

Youth Time International Movement Attends Holocaust Remembrance

Youth Time Attends Holocaust: The 4th International “Let My people Live!” Forum is organized not just to remember the past, but also to meet the challenges of the present and future, particularly the rise in hate, racism, Anti-Semitism and xenophobia in current Europe.

These events will be a platform for discussing the issues and finding practical solutions and recommendations for dealing with the threats.

There is great importance in holding a forum that will serve a practical purpose, designed to raise awareness among opinion shapers and decision makers on the three levels of leadership, political and legal spheres, so they will have the tools to act and motivate others to act.

The first panel will focus on the use of the various forms of traditional as well as social media by those who wish to promote extremist ideologies and political platforms.

The second panel will focus on the utility of legislative measures to combat racism and hate.

The third panel will focus on how society can fight an increasing entry into the normative and mainstream body politic of extremist ideologies and the responsibility of the political class to fight this threat.

On 27th January, Czech President Milos Zeman will host a special session for leading political figures, at Prague Castle, to discuss a roadmap towards fighting growing extremism, racism and intolerance in Europe and around the world.

This will follow by the participants traveling to the city of Terezin, a former Czech concentration camp for the official commemoration ceremony.

Youth Time Movement is officially presented during the Forum by the president Julia Kinash.

More about Youth Time Magazine read here.

International Youth Day: Five Young People

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