It´s The Angle That Makes The Difference

Looking at these pictures you’ll see something is not exactly right and would have your curiosity aroused. It’s the angle that makes them deceptive and intriguing at the same time. Check out our photogallery.

Shoes / Photo: Martina Advaney

Richard Meier reflected. . ! / Photo: Marja van Bochove

Long way to heaven in and out of Explore / Photo: Marja van Bochove

Reflection / Photo: Martina Advaney

The Golden Gate / Photo: screaming_monkey

Alike / Photo: Paolo Braiuca

Naplavka, Praha / Photo: Martina Advaney

Something unusual / Photo: Paul-in-London

reflection / Photo: Peaches&Cream

Under Water / Photo: Martina Advaney

today / Photo: Martha W McQuade

Man jumping off of a high dive / Photo: simpleinsomnia

Reflection / Photo: Martina Advaney

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