International Women’s Day: The Most Interesting Events Around The World

March 8th has been recognized as International Women’s Day since 1914, when it was commonly called International Working Women’s Day and was a political event. In many places in the world the perception of women’s achievements still justifiably exists, or else it can be a good occasion to express love of women. The women’s population worldwide is currently 49,6% and the theme of 2016 is „Planet 50 – 50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality“. That is an achievment in and of itself given the circumstances that women have known historically and in some parts of the world still do. Let’s hope that equality won’t remain only a prospective reality. The events taking place on this date are usually a good occasion to remind us of the problems of discrimination against women and therefore can take on the form of protest, discussion, festival, or happening. To find out what will be happening in March in different parts of the world, check out the events below.

London, England

International Women’s Day tour: Evelina’s Georgian London.

Celebrate March 8 a little differently by taking a tour through London streets, traveling back in history with the character Evelina, written by self-educated author Fanny Burney in 1778, notably reminding us of Bridget Jones‘s troubled life.


Berlin, Germany

Berlin Photography Exhibition: PLANET HER

PLANET HER features photography from Haiti, Burma and Tajikistan, taken by Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott, the Berlin-based award-winning writers and storytellers of Uncornered Market. Opening hours: 9am to 8pm Tuesday 8 to Friday 11 March and 11am until 5pm Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 March.

Tempere, Finland

International Women ConferenceWomen Agent of Change and Transformation

The objective of the Conference is Women Agent of Change and Transformation, concentrating on the change and growth of every woman. To pass on information that allows women to integrate their experiences and knowledge, enabling them to have the hope, courage and tools needed to develop and move forward in a positive way. The Conference will be held over a period of three days: from March 23 to March 25.

Marbella, Spain

International Women’s Day #makeithappen16

If you are going to be in Spain on March 11, come to celebrate and hear of the successes (and challenges) of women in business! Learn, network, enjoy and celebrate! Be inspired by the amazing speakers’ stories, essential workshops designed for business growth and meet with like-minded business women.

Sydney, Australia

Konica Minolta hosts ‘Out of the Shadows: Portraiture of Domestic Workers in Nepal’

A photography Exhibition pointing out the daily struggles of inspiring Nepales women in black and white pictures. The exhibition will be open for the public in Konica Minolta House from March 8 – 11th.

Miami, FL, United States of America

Owning Our Power: A Women’s Ceremony for All Women

A special ceremony for all women to harmonize themselves and to realise their gifts as creators and healers.


Cafe Talk on Violence against Women

8 Cafe Talks on “Violence against Women” will be held on the 12th of March in different cities in Tunisia. The main goals are to raise awareness on the phenomenon in aims of finding realistic solutions.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Women in Conservation: Opportunities & Challenges

In Bangladesh many women broke the barrier of social taboo and dedicated themselves to protect wildlife. 12th of March you will have an opportunity to hear from some of the brave female protectors of wildlife about how they are doing it, what are challenges they have faced and what are opportunities available for future female conservationists.

Photo: Shutterstock

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