How To Solve Problems In Controlled Dreams

Most people live in the belief that dreams are something unimportant, irrelevant, and useless. No matter that ordinary dreams are recipients of important messages and lessons that often we do not take seriously. Is it possible that a special world opens in our minds during sleep, a world that finds solutions in our dreams to the problems of our waking hours? Stephen LaBerge, founder of the Lucidity Institute, holds that it is a scientifically proven fact that people find solutions to their problems in controlled dreams, the dreams that LaBerge also refers to as lucid dreams.

Lucid dreaming is a skill that can be learned and used to experience all that we are currently or permanently unable to bring to conscious awareness in everyday life. In order to create conditions for a wide range of options that give lucidity during sleep, it is necessary for dreamers to realize that some experiences in dreams happened / occurred in physical reality, but only in a dream. Only at that moment do dreamers begin to take complete control of their sleep and create a ticket to the world in which to resolve concerns. LaBerge’s thinking mimics Baret’s theory of dreams based on how our brains think in our sleep – just in a completely different way from when we are awake. Does this theory point the way for us to solve the problems that beset us, and for which we could not find adequate solutions while awake?

Numerous scientific studies have proven that gamers are far more likely than other people to control the dreaming state and have lucid dreams. They are attuned to virtual reality gaming and while awake experience frequent manipulation and control of the virtual world, so they control and manipulate the sleeping process relatively easily. But the possibility of controlling the substance of dreams is not eliminated if you are not a fan of video games. Surreal dreams occur during REM sleep, but everyone goes through this phase of sleep, even non-gamers. It is believed that all of us have from three to five of these stages in the course of each night, and it is precisely during these times that we have the best chance to dream dreams in which solutions to the problems that we face can be found.

The technique that allows you to control your dreams is activated through a series of steps: 

  • Before you go to sleep, visualize the problem you are working on. Then the brain can channel its work on only a single action.
  • Clear the mind of all other thoughts.
  • Think only of the problem at hand.
  • If the brain is well prepared to process information in the right and left hemispheres and connect them in a package that consists of logical and creative items, in the middle of the night you can get an idea.
  • Sometimes, a solution can be reached in that interlude between dream and reality, before awakening. Therefore, soften the barrier between the mental processes of the left and right hemispheres, which are roughly separated into completely different activities, allowing the different spheres to mix and arrive at a solution.

How does this happen?

Step 1 – Remembering the dream

To be able to control your dreams, you have to be aware that this only works through a long exercise to control the steps of sleep. To control your dreams you need to remember them. The biggest problem is that they appear in fragments, and it is not always easy to remember the entire dream. However, you must remember that this is one of the most important steps in the exercise. Why? If you cannot remember your dreams even in fragments, then how can you expect to control the events in them?

Step 2 – Recording the dream

The message I have given is that you can collect dreams by making a dream journal. When you wake up, immediately write down everything, even details that you initially find irrelevant. Like what happened in the dream? How did you feel in the dream? Where did the dream happen? Is the dream in color? Can you think of any sound? Who was with you in the dream? What have you put into a dream? Are you talking in your sleep? Keeping these points in mind will allow you to sleep intentionally (it’s like when you learn and finally realize what you have been taught).

Step 3 – Repeat

Recording dreams must become a habit just so you will grow to read the vital signs.

Step 4 – MILD technique

The fourth step involves the Stephen LaBerge technique for inducing lucid dreams. Set an alarm to wake you up four and a half hours, six hours and seven and a half hours after you fall asleep. When the alarm goes off try to remember whatever you have dreamt as accurately as you can. Every detail matters. Then write down all of the dreams in your dream journal and go back to sleep by imagining that you are in a previous dream. First, you’ll have a mix of thoughts that seem to make no sense, but after a few exercises you sink into a dream, and finally experience the reality of ‘lucid dreaming’.

WBTB Technique 

Set an alarm to wake you up after five hours of sleep. When you wake up, stay awake an hour, thinking about what you have just dreamt. Write down what you’re thinking. Then go back to sleep using the MILD technique.

Why is it important to live this experience?

By mastering lucid dreaming, you gain the opportunity to expand the horizons of your dreams to impossible limits. A whole new world will open. This is “free medicine” for problems. Through dreams, you can learn how to fly, get magical powers, walk through walls and windows, traveling into space and the universe, you meet famous celebrities, go to the past or the future … However, lucid dreams can lead to solving problems, because the dissociative nature achieves a sense that the action takes hours, but actually last only a few minutes.

Lucid dreams have an explosive effect on the psyche, and the conscious and subconscious mind. Mary Shelley got the inspiration for the first draft of Frankenstein after lucid dreams. Paul McCartney wrote the whole melody of the legendary Beatles hit “Yesterday” after a lucid dream. James Cameron’s lucid dreams created several scenes for the movies Avatar, Terminator, Titanic, and True Lies. Nikola Tesla was a famous lucid dreamer, and it is believed that he was able, while physically and mentally awake, to start to visualize a lucid dream. Also, Salvador Dali, the intriguing surrealist painter, used lucid dreams as inspiration for a number of works. Besides them, there are many well-known and celebrated artists whose imagination inspires us, and who were (some still are) lucid dreamers, such as Christopher Nolan, Stephen King, Richard Feynman, Albert Einstein, Richard D James / Aphex Twin Richard Linklater, The Wachowskis.

Hence, we can conclude that dreams are not the sum of meaningless and unconnected fragments, but rather they teach us, complement, direct, inspire, motivate and show us where we’re wrong. And the most important dreams are our wise helpers and prompters, who inform us how to solve problems successfully, in that we otherwise would not even burn what we wrote down from our dreams, understand the puzzle of their parts, or decipher their messages and lessons as triggers for stress-free everyday life.

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