How To Identify Your Target Market And The Creative Process With Dr. Waleed Sadek

With the International Summer School Beijing 2017 beginning in less than a week, Youth Time are excited to invite experts and participants from all over the globe to share their knowledge, ideas, and cultural values. One of these experts is Dr. Waleed Sadek, Co-chair of the Sustainable Development Commission at the UN. Dr. Sadek previously worked at the International Leadership Institute in United Nations university, lecturing about the importance of the mediation & conflict resolutions in the Middle East. Now, Dr. Sadek is in the United Kingdom with new vision for sustainability, and one from his important quotes is: We cannot hope to create a sustainable culture, but sustainable souls.  Dr. Sadek will be delivering his key note speech on the topic, “How to Identify Your Target Market and the Creative Process” in addition to hosting a workshop under the theme of, "Leadership Traits and their Development”. International Summer School participants with added insight and understanding as to what they can expect from the workshop, in addition to learning how to best prepare for the event.

Dr. Sadek, thank you for agreeing to interview us as we build up toward the International Summer School Beijing 2017. Please share with us a short introduction about yourself, your career and areas of expertise.

First allow me to thank you for this opportunity to meet you and the participants to share together our views and learn from each others. About me after my graduation, I started my career as teaching assistant in American university in Cairo, then as lecturer, during my lecturing time I teach as well in the diplomatic institute and the institute of political and strategic studies in Egypt.

Then after my PhD I appointed as a professor in Canadian University in Cairo Egypt, Ottawa University, Cairo Campus.

I teach Economics, Management and political sciences, and then I started to give economics advising and consultations. After the revolution in January 2011, I appointed as a member in advisory council to role Egypt during the transition period.

About my youth and political activities: I started early around 1997 in the students union activities and Hours youth Club, after that I share other friend and activist to lunch the Egyptian youth Club, I was founder and member in Board director. Then in 2000 I nominated as UN Youth representative and I shared UN to evaluate and mentoring the UN youth policies, in 2002 I participated and I was member in Youth employment summit (YES) from 2002: 2010.

I nominated as well as United nations Global champion for women economic empowerment in 2016.

Now I’m Co-chair of the Sustainable Development Commission at the UN and Mentor in Business Development Group – UN Women.  



What is it about the International Summer School that interests you most?

Sure international meeting means international experiences, the most interesting is YOUTH, I work my entire career with youth, and to be honest with you I learnt a lot from youth and summer school will be great opportunity not only for me but for all of us to exchange our experiences and learn from each others.

Would you share with us a brief description of what your presentation on “How to Identify Your Target Market and the Creative Process” is going to be about? Will there be any particular area of focus?

The most important challenge in any business is how to target the market; the great challenge is for whom I will produce this product or service. Add over that the compotators for that particular product or service at that moment we need the creative process to stand in front of any possible compotation.

I will start from the scratch as we say about what the participant should know before they can start, organize them resources and identify the market with the creative process.

And all of us must know that there is no model but the real creative process based on the innovation for any human being on earth.

What skills can participants expect to gain from your workshop on Leadership Traits and their Development and how will they best apply it in future endeavors?

I believe that everyone has his own sees of leadership inside him/her and no one is ideal leader, but the ideal leader who is that person know his own skills and working in how to develops this skills.

I will use new way to let the entire participant will not only set and listen, but we will listen to each others and we will understand together how to lead not how to manage not only the business but our life and our cultures.



Is there any advice can offer Summer School participants before attending your workshop?

The only advice is DON’T be shy, you are participating in the school to share your view, and we are there to exchange our views and empower our skills, no human without skills, but the real human will become a leader through expressing his view and discuss about the other skills.

Is there anything else you would like to add or bring to our attention?

You are doing amazing work, because you targeted Youth that means through the summer schools and the other activities in youth time you help the nations to be strong through them youth, which means better future not only for youth but for our humanity.

And I’m very exciting and looking forward to cooperate together during the activities in China.

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