Helping hand: anti-sexual assault organizations

If you think that victims of sexual assault are helpless, this article is for you. Check it out, and you'll learn about special organizations.

One of the worst forms of violence is sexual violence. It forces a person to have sexual relations against his agreement and will. Sexual assault in itself, as a fact, violates one of the most fundamental rights of any person – reproductive rights, that is, rights related to sexual relations and the birth of children. Unfortunately, sexual violence can be encountered everywhere. It can happen both at work, at home, and outside. Erotic violence can happen even in the army. But not only about women who are in the military. There are ambiguous cases when the soldiers who took the city under occupation raped women in that city. No one is safe from violence, regardless of location.


Sexual violence is not just rape

Sexual violence is the unlawful encroachment of one person or a group of people on the sexual integrity of another person, as well as acts of a sexual nature against a minor. Rape is only one type of erotic violence, its extreme degree. Many other acts that do not necessarily involve brute force are considered sexual assault, such as:

  • Offensive sexual comments, as well as hints, looks, and phone calls of the same type;
  • demonstration of genitals;
  • unwanted touches to different parts of the body;
  • deception, blackmail, intimidation aimed at forcing sexual intimacy or exposure;
  • coercion to have sex with other people;
  • oppression to perverted forms of erotic relations;
  • pressure to engage in the porn industry or sex business;
  • force to pregnancy or abortion.

Another common phenomenon is sexual harassment, which can also cause serious harm to a person. Erotic harassment can be considered any manifestation of attention of a sexual nature that is unpleasant to a person and which they do not want.


Why do we need anti-sexual assault organizations and essay example on assault

In our time, humanity is increasingly beginning to understand the problem of sexual violence. The problem of sexual violence began to appear in many areas of people’s lives. Now a person can become a hostage to such a situation at home, at work, on the street and even while serving in the army. Accordingly, every year there are more and more organizations that try to fight it. Such organizations are needed so people who suffer from erotic violence know they can help them. Often, victims of violence do not recognize the problem. It happens because they do not know what to do in such situations and where to turn.

Therefore, organizations fighting sexual violence are critical and needed to make our world a better place. Also, people who cannot turn for help can read and review this problem. For example, if you have encountered violence in the army, you can easily find Army SHARP essays and realize many essential things. Available for everyone online essays on the topic of sexual violence in the army will help people realize that such a problem exists, even if we do not see it. Not only women but also men, during their work in the army, can become victims of violence and conflict with their colleagues.  Each review is a free essay that can help a person understand himself and his problems. 


The most famous anti-sexual assault organizations

Every organization that tries to combat sexual violence aims to help the victim. First, such an organization must provide psychological or medical assistance to the victim. Such organizations also help victims understand the situation and direct them to the appropriate authorities so that they report the crime. An important task of such organizations is to explain to people that sexual violence is not routine and can manifest itself not only in rape. Such organizations provide a supportive and safe space for the victim to feel safe. They also allow the victim to voice all the worries and fears that prevent her from moving on. 


The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)

It is the largest organization that fights against sexual violence in the country. They work on clarifying the concepts of erotic violence. They provide support and necessary resources to victims. You can contact them 24 hours a day using the chat or hotline. Their organization can also be donated, and 93 percent of every dollar donated goes to support programs for victims of sexual violence.



It is a coalition of allies and advocates of victims of sexual violence. Instead of donating to this organization, you can buy their products, and the proceeds will support other organizations fighting this problem. Their products also demonstrate to the world that it is worth being aware, tolerant, and not afraid to talk about violence.


The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)

This resource center works to prevent sexual violence by educating citizens and providing assistance to victims. They conduct research in the field of erotic violence and tell people worldwide that we need to talk more about sex and explain how to recognize violence.


End Rape On Campus

This organization works to prevent widespread sexual violence on college campuses. They teach people who are studying in colleges and raise their awareness in the field of violence. They also support all survivors on campus.


The Center for Women and Families

This organization offers services to all victims of sexual abuse. They provide housing or temporary shelter for emergencies. They also counsel victims and protect their interests. You can contact them at any hour and any day, which is essential.


The Center for Women and Families

This organization offers services to all victims of sexual abuse. They provide housing or temporary shelter for emergencies. They also counsel victims and protect their interests. You can contact them at any hour and any day, which is very important.



Therefore, organizations that combat sexual violence are essential in our time. Such organizations show the world that everyone who does not respect the personal boundaries of another person and thinks that anyone who does not find out about his crime will be punished. Each such organization is a caring people who want to improve our world and help victims. They become a helping hand for all those who cannot cope with the problematic situation of the masses. Organizations open people’s eyes and help them understand that a person who has committed erotic violence should be punished and that they should not be afraid to contact the appropriate authorities.



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