Fruit Prepared Eleven Different Ways

The following article about the use of a basic food category is devoted to an item that in most minds should only be served raw. Fruit, nonetheless, offers many variations; and if the recipe allows, it can be cooked under low heat without losing any vitamins.

First of all let’s determine what is fruit. It seems there is some confusion in this area. Botanically speaking, fruits are all seed bearing crops which means that the seeds for further reproduction come from the fruit itself. Tomatoes, cucumbers and paprika are botanically considered to be fruits.  From the view point of culinary though, sweet crops are acknowledged as fruits and non sweet crops as vegetables. For our purposes we are inclined towards the second category as well.


Plum and apple chutney

Coconut chutney

Jam and Marmelade

Orange marmelade


Raspberry pie

Candied fruit

Christmas fruit cake 

Dried fruit

Dried oranges, berries, apples and bananas in glass jars


Strawberry smoothie with mint leaves 

Baked fruit

Baked apples

Fried fruit

Fried bananas / Kluay Tod -Thai

Grilled fruit

Grilled pineapple slices

Fruit compote

Apple compote with dried fruits

Fruit sauce

Applesauce in glass jar 

Read also our articles about eggspotatoesmilkrice and cereal grains and gluten free grains.

Photos: Shutterstock

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