From One Pot – Creamy Chicken Spinach Pasta Step by Step

Cooking is one of those activities that never seems end. To make life easier for those for whom cooking is a necessity, and not a pleasure, we offer a recipe that is easy, that is prepared in one pot, and is super delicious: super simple creamy pasta - step by step.


2 yellow onions
4 pods of garlic
300 g of chicken (using any part of the chicken – breast or legs)
120 ml of 12% cream
milk as needed
spinach (ideally fresh leaves or frozen, but not a puree)
white pepper
300 g of penne

(1) First you cut the onion in pieces and fry it gold.

(2) Add grated garlic and chicken pieces.

(3) When the chicken is fried on all sides, (4) pour the cream in and let it simmer a bit.  Add seasoning.

(5) After that, add pasta (not cooked), (6) fill the pot with milk, and cook slowly. This part is very important, because the cream could separate if cooked at a high temperature.

During the cooking, keep testing whether the pasta is already cooked.

(7) Once ready, mix in the parmesan, (optionaly also butter) and (8) spinach and you are ready to serve. 

The same dish can be made gluten free (by using corn pasta, for instance) and / or dairy free (by using lactose free milk and cream).

Photos and graphic design: Martina Advaney

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