Do You Want To Join The Youth Global Forum In Jakarta? Youth Time Shares How To Get Accepted!

Recently, Youth Time has opened up the application procedure for the Youth Global Forum from 24 till 26 November in Jakarta, which is being organized in close cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Prague. As generally for all Youth Time events the interest is very high, it is important to make the right effort to stand out from the crowd. Youth Time shares some tips on how to increase your odds of getting accepted to take part in the event.

  • Choose to contribute in the right way

There are two ways (left) to take part in the Youth Global Forum. You can either join as a project presenter or else as an interested participant. As project presenter there is a solid preparation expected from you before you join the event, as under supervision of an expert you’ll work towards a project proposal to present it the event. As interested participant there is expected of you to evaluate the presented projects during the event, as such need to take notes throughout the event and take responsibility to appoint the rightful winner in the end. Each role comes with its benefits and its obligations, please take these carefully into consideration before assigning to any of them. If you choose the right role, this will probably connect better to your motivation as well as your experience and as such will increase your odds of being selected.

  • Follow carefully the instructions given

However, one should expect this as a given for any application, each year many interested people are turned down on the fact that they didn’t follow the basic procedures that were lined out by Youth Time. If you want to take part in this event we need to receive the three following things of you: First, a 1-minute video application of you, second, a CV of maximum 2 pages and third, a completed application form. Make sure the 1-minute video does not exceed the given minute, as additional time will not be looked at. Don’t exceed 2 pages in your CV, as additional pages will not be given attention. Don’t leave empty parts in the application procedure as the questions are there for a reason, all information is needed to evaluate applications by all people involved. These points may sound radical and harsh, but please keep in mind that Youth Time needs to evaluate hundreds of pages of material and we want to make sure that everyone has the same fair chance of presenting themselves.

  • Make your arguments concise and precise

Whereas we generally receive large pieces of text in which people elaborate on what motivates them in life or get whole essays on the injustice the world is facing, we prefer to collect small paragraphs in which you are able to spot on explain why you want to take part in the event and how it benefits you and your community. Practice yourself in being concise, as being able to express your motivation in one precise sentence is a more challenging task and transcends more brilliance then killing a reader’s interest by presenting an overkill of information.

  • Distinguish yourself from your peers

One of the criteria we have in our selection process is that we wish to have an equal spread of people from all over the world; region- and age-wise. This means you are directly competing for a position with people from the same region of which you are from, as well as with people that are in the same age category as you are. Keep this in mind while writing your application. Try to explain how you are standing out from the other young people from your region, or how you are special and bring something extra to the table compared to your peers.

Good luck and hope to see you in Jakarta!

Got interested? To find out more about the event.

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