Different Meanings in Other Languages

Any given word in one language can mean something quite different in another language. Mostly these are just innocent differences in meaning, but here and there some of the differences can create embarrassing situations if the nuances are overlooked. In one instance, a brand was introduced in a new foreign market and not only failed, but had to be removed from all the shelves because the brand name had a double meaning which happened to be vulgar and inappropriate in the country of introduction. Check it out.

Different meanings of words in other languages
Sting or Angel
Words that have different meaning in other languages
A bread or pain?
Words that have different meaning in other languages
Bear or beer?
Words that have different meaning in other languages
Married or gift?

If you want to avoid misunderstanding and to become native in every language, discover the best method of learning languages with Luca Lampariello. More about languages you can find here.

Photos: Shutterstock / Graphic Design: Martina Advaney

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