Dancing In The Shadow is a new show from Germany in pre-production, bringing the spotlight to complex issues. We talk to them about the project.
Raising complex issues and confronting fear – Dancing In The Shadow is a new German TV series built around representation and addressing hard topics that are all around us in society.
It is currently in pre-production, but with a host of different networks in the pipeline, Youth Time Magazine spoke to the team behind the show to get the inside track on the innovative concept of Dancing In The Shadow.
Where did the idea for the show come from?
Originally the idea came from Mikael Kuetche, the series’ director now. He shared it with Tamara Kollmeder, now the producer of Dancing in the Shadow, and wrote down the rough storyline and a brief synopsis.
By the time he downloaded software for writing a script, he had convinced Tamara not to let the idea be just an idea. Together they started the script for the first season of the series, researching further the complex themes and delving deeper into the characters.
How challenging has it been for a product like this to get started?
The beginning of the screenplay work was nothing compared to the beginning of the real pre-production of the series.
There was only Mika and Tamara and the script. “Could we find a crew, could we find sponsors, could we find actors, could we find musicians and choreographers?”
The actual prerequisites – namely human and financial resources – were not there. However, the principal element was passion, which drove us forward; and now we are standing here as an independent film production with about 100 filmmakers involved and fighting our way over (bureaucratic and financial) hurdles that lie ahead of us on the way to production.
Why is this show important for representation and who does it try to represent?
The series “Dancing in the Shadow” lives and breathes diversity, variety and passion. With the different characters, we show a reflection of society, since our society is diverse, colourful and intercultural.
The sometimes sad, sober reality is presented through the confrontation of these exceptional and different series’ characters, it will show the deficiencies in the thinking and actions of society, as well as ways of addressing the conservatives.
In The Spotlight
What can we expect from the show?
With our production, we emphasise some issues, such as racism, homophobia, rejection and discrimination based on gender, religion, appearance or sexuality and do not shy away from showing the bitter reality.
Everything is expressed in the style of a musical series with self-composed songs and dances.
The series shows emotions, passion and encourages reflection and change of mindset.
What stage of the process are you at and when are we likely to see it on our screens?
At the moment, we are in the last third of the pre-production of the series. Pre-production began in October 2020 with the search for a crew and sponsors.
The individual film departments got together and worked their way into the various responsibilities. In the second third, all roles were cast, finances were raised, public relations were established, and it was decided to shoot only half of the first season (episodes 1-5) this year, so in this regard, the script was revised once again.
Currently, filming permits are being received for all locations, and an eight-week online rehearsal phase is now beginning with the cast, during which acting, dancing and singing are being prepared and coordinated.
Concepts for lighting, camera, costume and set design are being worked out, props are being organised and the non-existing equipment is being discussed to be borrowed.
In addition, the shooting schedule is constantly updated with details so that everyone and everything is in the right place at the right time on the set.
Want to know more about Dancing In The Shadow? You can head to their website, or follow them on Instagram and Facebook.
The show is also looking for sponsors. If you are inspired by their cause, you can get involved with them here.
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