Cultural Mobility Initiative For Artists From ASEM Countries

Artists, organisations, and managers are invited to join the Mobility First! ASEF Cultural Mobility Initiative. The aim of the programme is to develop initiatives on the role of arts, artists, international cultural collaborations, and well-being. Participants will form small teams and receive grants for their participation. The deadline is on Sunday 30th May 2021.

Mobility First! – ASEF Cultural Mobility Initiative is a mobility grants programme that supports the mutual cultural practice of those working in the arts.

Since it was launched in 2017, Mobility First! has supported the cross-border mobility of over 300 cultural professionals between 48 ASEM countries.

The initiatives may focus on one of the following topics:

1) The role and value of artists/arts in a time of crisis

2) The arts in crisis

3) International cultural collaborations in the new normal

4) Art and well-being

Engaging in creative work : A fixed grant of SGD 500 per grantee (approx. €310) will be provided to compensate for the time spent on producing creative outputs.

Grantees will benefit from a true exchange of ideas from working with their peers from Asia and/or Europe.

The deadline is on Sunday 30th May 2021.


Main Criteria

Artists and arts managers who are citizens of any ASEM partner country should form teams of two or three.  

Arts organizations that are based and operating in any ASEM partner country may apply and should have three to six collaborators in a team.

Applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time of application.

Find out more now.

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