Colossal Canyons of the World

For all those daring spirits who like to test their limits, overcoming the jagged terrain of the greatest canyons may be the right idea for active relaxation. To make a start, here is a list of a few canyons that will take your breath away.

Kalbarri National Park, WA / Photos: Martina Advaney

Kalbarri National Park, WA / Photos: Martina Advaney

Kalbarri National Park, WA / Photos: Martina Advaney

Nature’s Window, Kalbarri National Park, WA / Photos: Martina Advaney

Canyon Cliffs, Karijini National Park, WA / Photos: Martina Advaney

Canyon Cliffs, Karijini National Park, WA / Photos: Martina Advaney

Weano Gorge, Karijini National Park, WA / Photos: Martina Advaney

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, USA  / Photo: liquidcrash

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, USA  / Photo: Agathe

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA / Photo: Luke Dilley

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA / Photo: William Marnoch

Golden Canyon, California, USA / Photo: John Fowler

Golden Canyon, Death valley, California, USA / Photo: Kārlis Dambrāns

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