
Dishes from the Campfire

An old saying states that food tastes best when eaten outdoors. And any return to the roots of our ancestors, who ate their meals by open fires each day, has…

UK Youth Face Nightmare Brexit Bill

Here Youth Time Magazine publishes three of the most interesting and informative youth related news items of the past week. Our weekly news roundup is published every Monday and Friday and contains…

Best Musicals Of All Times

For this weekend, we at YT have prepared for you a list of the five greatest musicals at all time. Films in which there is hardly a moment of silence…

Zlin Through Photographs

The town of Zlín, in the Czech Republic, is in many aspects a very unique place. The name Baťa doesn't need a lot of introduction worldwide. The Baťa shoe manufacturing…

Tour Through Japan

Last week we visited the USA.  This week we take a westwards direction from there and stop in another country – a country that counts a decent number of years…

Top Cities for Public Transport in the World

For some, good public transport is the gold standard for positive development in a city, while for others the absence of public transport signifies almost nothing. Overall, advanced public transport…

485 Nigerian Students Expelled from University

We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent reports in youth-related news and events. In this week's Friday news summary, we speak about a large number of Nigerian students being…