Art & Culture

Armageddon Writer Takes On The Ice Road Project

Recently, director Jonathan Hensleigh presented a new action thriller The Ice Road starring Liam Neeson, Laurence Fishburne and Holt McCallany. Back in the spring, the streaming platform Netflix bought the…

Muzak: The God of Elevator Music

Elevator music is seen as a bit of a gimmick around the world, but it has a serious side. Here, we delve into Muzak, a pioneer of this scene.

Seven Lockdown Tips To Adapt Your Music

Times have been tough throughout the last 18 months, with musicians not performing live for a long time. So here are some lockdown tips to adapt your music and thrive.

Does R&B Music Still Exist?

R&B music was the lifeblood of some cultures for decades, but things are changing. Is it time for the category to be brought down?