Building And Leading High-Performing Teams: Expert Nick Fewings Will Tell You How To Do It

With the Summer School Beijing 2017 coming up soon, we are starting a series of articles about all the international professionals who will be working with us during the event. In an open interview they will present themselves and reveal their plans to us. One of the main speakers during the Summer School of this year is Nick Fewings, CEO of a learning and development company called Ngagementworks. Nick has over 20 years' experience of leading and working with teams and as such, is rightfully to be introduced as an authority on creating high-performing teams. 

Mr. Nick Fewings will be presenting on the topic: ‘Collaboration for Future Success’ as well as leading a workshop ‘Leading high-performance teams’. In this interview he will give us a glimpse into what we can expect of him during the event, as well as how best to prepare for the event.

Nick, please could you share with us a few words about yourself and your career: Who are you and what brought you to become a professional trainer?

I worked for Barclays PLC for 21 years, rising through the ranks from a cashier to finally Director Of Change.  Early on in my career, I realised that whilst technical skills are important, it is the relationships you build with others and how effectively you collaborate, that are vital if you are to be successful. I also found that I had a natural ability to engage and motivate other people. As I am passionate about the potential that lies within us all to succeed, after I left Barclays, it was therefore a natural thing to want to continue to help others succeed, based on the knowledge and experience I had accumulated over the years, hence setting up my first training company. Ngagementworks is the third company that I have established.

What drives you to be part of the Youth International Summer School Beijing 2017?

When I first became appointed as a leader of a team, I was thrown into the deep end. No training, just get on with it. I therefore learnt the hard way, through the mistakes I made, something I would not wish others to experience. I see The Youth International Summer School as being a way that I can help future leaders, by providing them with practical knowledge, hints and tips that will stand them in good stead in their future careers.

What is the ‘Collaboration for Future Success’ masterclass going to be about? Where would the focus be?

The masterclass will provide delegates with an understanding of who they are in terms of their behavioural style, strengths, possible challenges and how they communicate. It will be based on the highly-regarded psychology of Carl Jung and brought to life in a colourful, interactive way. This will then link into how we may need to adapt our style to meet the needs of others, if we are to collaborate effectively, resulting in a win-win situation.

Could you explain to us as well a bit about what we can expect of the workshop ‘Leading high-performance teams’?

In this workshop, I will share the Team DyNAmics© Model that I created and is used by leaders and teams to help them achieve high-performance. Based on my research and experience, I have identified 16 Elements that need to measured, understood and managed in order for a team to achieve high-levels of engagement, performance and success.

Will both contributions be held in the same format, or will you be using different methods for knowledge transfer to attendees?

My style of facilitation and conference speaking has been called, “infotainment”, a mixture of information, anecdotes and humour, as research suggest that if we enjoy ourselves, we will remember the learning. As my company strapline goes, I engage individuals, motivate teams and help them transform to achieve even greater success. Delegates should therefore be prepared to get involved.



What should Summer School participants do to prepare best before attending your masterclass and workshop?

Whether speaking at a conference or facilitating learning, I always try to help those attending get to know me before the event. As such, these are a few ways to do so, if they wish:

Find out more about what I do: Ngagementworks

Find out more about what I publish: Yours Behaviourally

Connect with me on LinkedIn: Nick Fewings

Follow Me on Twitter: Nick_Fewings

How can Summer School attendees use the knowledge best in their future?

The knowledge and what they experience will help them to build stronger, more positive relationships with others, have a greater appreciation of behavioural diversity and thus support more effective collaboration and teamwork, helping them to achieve greater success, as leaders and team members.

Is there anything else you wish to bring to our attention or add?

Only the facts that I feel honoured and privileged to not only speak at the conference but also to facilitate a workshop and that I am excited to meet those attending the Summer School, who have a passion and desire to make positive changes to their organisations around the globe in how they lead and work in teams.

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