With the final season of the show airing now, it’s worth looking further into the success of this amazing prequel series.
There is no denying that Breaking Bad is one of the best shows of all time. In fact, for most people, it’s the pinnacle of what TV should represent. Incredible acting, dialogue, cinematography, and everything in between. It was so obvious that every single person who worked on that show knew what they were doing and loved doing it. The passion was felt through the screen and the drama was at an all-time high. Now, with its prequel series focusing on Saul Goodman, the lawyer, a lot of fans were worried it was not going to live up to this incredibly high standard. However, with the final season currently airing, now that we are six seasons in we can make an assessment as to just how successful the show has been so far.
Another Masterpiece
Showrunners Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould have done it yet again. Better Call Saul has all the ingredients that made Breaking Bad a masterpiece and then some. It’s difficult to compare the two shows one-to-one since it’s set in the same universe with a lot of the same characters but watching it you can understand why some people prefer one or the other.
Of course, you can’t talk about any of these two shows without mentioning the amazing Bob Odenkirk. He brings Saul Goodman to life in such a magical way. The levels of depth given to Saul, or Jimmy as he’s known at the beginning, are truly endless. There’s something tragic about being aware of the fact that he is reduced to a supporting character in the original series though.
Nevertheless, this show has something for everyone. Each and every single shot in the show feels like it was so deeply thought-out. There’s nothing left to chance here. Every line of dialogue serves a purpose and even if an episode feels slow and unimportant at the moment of watching, it’s only later on that it pays off so well. If only every show on TV was this well planned ahead of time.
Final Season

Throughout the first five seasons so far, the show has been slowly building to reaching that point of familiarity. Having the grounds of perhaps the greatest show ever made as a starting point does make things easier on some levels but also puts a lot of pressure to deliver. With the last season now, Better Call Saul has to officially catch up to the first season of Breaking Bad while simultaneously delivering on those ‘flash forward’ scenes that it has been teasing for so long.
True fans of the show that have been here since day one are not nearly worried as much as they are excited to witness the final season. It feels like there’s no chance of the show having any sort of collapse in its finale like Game of Thrones did for example. The level of greatness has been steadily rising with every single episode and there’s no reason to expect anything different now.
With the show announcing that Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul returning this season to their iconic roles from Breaking Bad, the fans are thrilled. It’ll be fascinating to see how they intertwine everything and close up all the loose ends by the final episode. It’s sad to see such a great show end but they are certainly going out on a high note.
The first part of the final season six premiered on April 18 and the second half of the season premiers on July 11 on AMC and then later on Netflix.
Photo: Netflix.com
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