Best Summer Jobs For Students – Writing Articles For Websites And Magazines

Summer is half over, and we are slowly approaching the end of summer jobs ideas. But before we do, let‘s have a look at those that do not require too much advance preparation since there is not too much time for that left - writing articles in particular.

In the era of blogs, people are discovering talents that not too long ago would be considered limited to those who study for several years, go through competitive jobs, and so on. Not any longer really. Today, anyone can come up with a new, refreshing perspective on any topic that potentional employers find interesting.

What do you have to do to become a contributor? Here are some of the usual steps: 

  • Decide what interests you the most and look for relevant websites.
  • Find websites that accept new contributors and get inspired by their published articles.
  • Contact them and get the topics they are interested in and include your CV. Previous experience may give you some extra points.
  • Submit your articles.
  • The articles are usually paid by the number of characters, or words. 


How much does it pay? 

The best is to do your own research, since the amounts vary. Or take a look at our pre-researched examples: 

College humour, specialising in the 18 – 49 audience, $25 – $150 depending the location and the number of hits it receives. 

Cracked – humour site, $100 – $200 

Developer Tutorials – programming or design guides, $30 – $50

Support us!

All your donations will be used to pay the magazine’s journalists and to support the ongoing costs of maintaining the site.


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Interested in co-operating with us?

We are open to co-operation from writers and businesses alike. You can reach us on our email at [email protected]/[email protected] and we will get back to you as quick as we can.

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