Enchanting Art Of Nineteen-Year-Old Andreea Farkas

It’s really hard to find a definition for art in our time. However, there are some people who really feel it and who may represent its “incarnation”. One of them is Andreea Farkas, an awesome young artist, painter, and fashion designer who was really excited about the idea of sharing with us some of her „behind the scenes “ artistic moments and thoughts as an introductory article for a brand new art column.

Hello Andreea! I would like to ask you some questions about your life as an artist, but please introduce yourself first.

Hi! My name is Andreea Farkas, I am 19 years old and I have just finished The Vocational Art High School in Targu Mures, where I have studied art with fashion and textile design. I am going to be a student at the Faculty of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, with a specialization in painting.

This is great! But why have you chosen it?

Well, I have decided to study painting because it’s an art form that has appealed to me since my childhood. I had almost decided to take the admissions examinations for fashion design but in the end, my interest in painting made me change my mind.

How do you define your style?

My style is eclectic. I love to paint women and portraits, and most of the time I prefer tinted greys instead of strong colors. I am fascinated by the idea of excitement, and by femininity rendered in the most graceful, novel and beautiful manner.

Well, I think you have just found a new client! Which is your most innovative or unique art piece or which was the biggest challenge you have ever accepted?

There was once a contest where I was supposed to make a drawing for the Royal House of Bran Castle. The theme was “The Orphan”, inspired by the children’s book with the same title, written by Queen Mary of Romania. I really wanted to win, and I did. I really worked with my soul, with emotion, and pleasure at the same time.

What do you think about the prospects that young artists have today in Romania or in other countries?

In the last few years, for example Romania did really manage to increase the number of opportunities for young artists. The world is finally accepting art again: people are understanding it and are even admiring and appreciating students from the art colleges. Even so, I still believe that there are more options for young artists in other countries, where art can be a real job, not just a hobby as in Romania.

One last question, Andreea: tell me please where you see yourself in 20 years and how you think the world of art will evolve in the future?

For the moment, I am trying to avoid making future plans because you know, things change and so do we. I prefer to let things happen spontaneously, while always keeping in mind my convictions and a balance between body, mind, and soul.


 This was an introductory article for our brand new column related to the topic of art.

What do we suggest?

A new place for exchanging ideas, for getting to know other art enthusiasts, for finding new opportunities in the creative field and for promoting things that really deserve to be promoted – THE ART COLUMN.

What will you find in it?

Art events, contests and other opportunities – for all of you who are sick and tired of searching them on individual sites, maybe sometimes missing them because of the deadlines.

Jobs –there will be a new possibility for you, to let us know when you need a freelancer artist to do something for you. You should just send us a mail with all the details, and we will publish the mini youth job on our site, in this column.

News – just in case you want to be updated with the things that go on right know in the field, to discover innovative techniques in different arts, to get to know revolutionary young artists.

Therefore, whether you are a writer, a painter, a singer, a photographer, a graphic designer or anything else, here is your place to be! Spread the word when you know about an event happening for young enthusiasts in the art world or let yourself helped by the others.

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