New Year, New Beginnings – 5 Best Movies

2017 is round the corner and here we are with our suggestions on some excellent films and they all depict new beginnings.

The List of Best Movies You Can Watch for a New Year

Discover best movies to watch during the New Year here.

Under the Tuscan Sun
Based on the Memoir of Frances Mayes the film shows her (played by Diane Lane) sojourn to Italy soon after her divorce where she impulsively buys a villa.

She goes on to find love and a new beginning towards life.


Les Miserables
Set in France during the 19th century, this classic is about the life of Jean Valjean a former convict who wants to build an honest life.

He is determinedly chased by police inspecter Javert who just won’t give up. Hugh Jackman has done a superb job of the portrayal of Valjean.


Silver Linings Playbook
This is a heart warming tale of a Pat Solano who is being intensively treated for bipolar disorder.

When released to his parents he begins a relationship with Tiffany Maxwell a neurotic who both finally discover love and contentment.

Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro and Jennifer Lawrence have done great justice to the film.


The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
This movie is about a group of British retirees who head for India captivated by the name of the hotel for the retired.

They soon find none of it is what they had expected. Importantly they go on to discover life’s different dimensions and the peace it can offer.

The film is studded with stars Judi Dench, Evelyn Greenslade, Tom Wilkinson, Graham Dashwood and many others.


The Quiet man

Sean Thornton returns to his home country Ireland to regain his family farm. Here he falls in love with Kate Danaher.

The film has been treated with sensitivity and has some fine humorous moments. John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara star in this very well made movie.

Find out here more about movies to watch during the New Year’s Eve.

The Greatest Mafia Movies

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